MQQueueEnumeration *


public class MQQueueEnumeration
extends Object
implements Enumeration


MQQueueEnumeration enumerates messages on a queue. This class is not defined in the JMS specification; it is created by calling the getEnumeration method of MQQueueBrowser. The class contains a base MQQueue instance to hold the browse cursor. The queue is closed once the cursor has moved off the end of the queue.

There is no way to reset an instance of this class; it acts as a one-shot mechanism.

See also: MQQueueBrowser



public boolean hasMoreElements()

Whether another message can be returned.

public Object nextElement() throws NoSuchElementException

Return the current message.

If hasMoreElements() returns true, nextElement() always returns a message. It is possible for the returned message to pass its expiry date between the hasMoreElements() and the nextElement calls.