Work with channel status

Use the WRKMQMCHST command to bring up the first of three screens showing the status of your channels. You can view the three status screens in sequence when you select Change-view (F11).

Alternatively, selecting option 8 (Work with Status) from the Work with MQM Channels panel also brings up the first status panel.

Work with channel status applies to all message channels. It does not apply to MQI channels other than server-connection channels on WebSphere MQ for iSeries V5.1 and later.

The Work with Channel Status screens only show channels that are active after messages have been sent through the channel and the sequence number has been incremented.

Figure 108. Channel status (1)

|                       MQSeries Work with Channel Status                        |
|                                                                                |
| Type options, press Enter.                                                     |
|   5=Display   13=Ping   14=Start   15=End   16=Reset   17=Resolve              |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| Opt  Name                  Connection            Indoubt     Last Seq          |
|      CARTS_CORSAIR_CHAN    GBIBMIYA.WINSDOA1       NO               1          |
|      CHLNIC                    NO               3          |
|      FV.CHANNEL.PETER2              NO            6225          |
|      JST.1.2                   NO              28          |
|      MP_MUST_TO_CORS              NO             100          |
|      MUSTANG.TO.CORSAIR    GBIBMIYA.WINSDOA1       NO              10          |
|      MP_CORS_TO_MUST              NO             101          |
|      JST.2.3                    NO              32          |
|      PF_WINSDOA1_LU62      GBIBMIYA.IYA80020       NO              54          |
|      PF_WINSDOA1_LU62      GBIBMIYA.WINSDOA1       NO             500          |
|      ST.JCW.EXIT.2TO1.CHL              NO             216          |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                         Bottom |
| Parameters or command                                                          |
| ===>                                                                           |
| F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F9=Retrieve   F11=Change view   |
| F12=Cancel   F21=Print                                                         |

Change the view with F11.

Figure 109. Channel status (2)

|                       MQSeries Work with Channel Status                        |
|                                                                                |
| Type options, press Enter.                                                     |
|   5=Display   13=Ping   14=Start   15=End   16=Reset   17=Resolve              |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| Opt  Transmission Queue                                LUWID                   |
|                                                        7516E58A40C000EC        |
|                                                        7515A36C0D800157        |
|                                                        7515E790AC8001CA        |
|                                                        7516FF2284800009        |
|                                                        75147C6629C0009D        |
|                                                        7516DDE5778000A8        |
|      FV_MKP_TRANS_QUEUE                                75147B61A44000FA        |
|      JST.3                                             75170185D0000133        |
|      PF.WINSDOA1                                       7516DA3955C00097        |
|      PF.WINSDOA1                                       7516DE2396C000BC        |
|      ST.JCW.EXIT.2TO1.XMIT.QUEUE                       7516C51291400016        |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                         Bottom |
| Parameters or command                                                          |
| ===>                                                                           |
| F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F9=Retrieve   F11=Change view   |
| F12=Cancel   F21=Print                                                         |

Figure 110. Channel status (3)

|                       MQSeries Work with Channel Status                        |
|                                                                                |
| Type options, press Enter.                                                     |
|   5=Display   13=Ping   14=Start   15=End   16=Reset   17=Resolve              |
|                                                                                |
|          Indoubt      Indoubt  Indoubt                                         |
| Opt        Msgs         Seq    LUWID                                           |
|                0            0  0000000000000000                                |
|                0            0  0000000000000000                                |
|                0            0  0000000000000000                                |
|                0            0  0000000000000000                                |
|                0            0  0000000000000000                                |
|                0            0  0000000000000000                                |
|                0          101  75147B61A44000FA                                |
|                0           32  75170185D0000133                                |
|                0           54  7516DA3955C00097                                |
|                0          500  7516DE2396C000BC                                |
|                0          216  7516C51291400016                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                         Bottom |
| Parameters or command                                                          |
| ===>                                                                           |
| F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F9=Retrieve   F11=Change view   |
| F12=Cancel   F21=Print                                                         |

The options available in the Work with Channel Status panel are:

Menu option Description
5=Display Displays the channel settings.
13=Ping Initiates a Ping action, where appropriate.
14=Start Starts the channel.
15=End Stops the channel.
16=Reset Resets the channel sequence number.
17=Resolve Resolves an in-doubt channel situation, manually.
F11=Change view Cycles around the three status panels.

When using the WRKMQMCHST command, the channel status shown is SAVED channel status not CURRENT channel status. To see CURRENT channel status, use the WRKMQMCHL command.