WebSphere MQ for Linux configuration

Before beginning the installation process ensure that you have first created the mqm user ID and the mqm group, and set the password.

Start any channel using the command:

runmqchl -c channel.name


  1. Sample programs are installed in /opt/mqm/samp.

  2. Error logs are stored in /var/mqm/qmgrs/qmgrname/errors.

  3. When you are using the command interpreter runmqsc to enter administration commands, a + at the end of a line indicates that the next line is a continuation. Ensure that there is a space between the last parameter and the continuation character.


Basic configuration

  1. Create the queue manager from the UNIX prompt using the command:
    crtmqm -u dlqname -q linux

    Is the name of the queue manager

    Indicates that this is to become the default queue manager

    -u dlqname
    Specifies the name of the dead letter queue

    This command creates a queue manager and a set of default objects.

  2. Start the queue manager from the UNIX prompt using the command:
    strmqm linux
    where linux is the name given to the queue manager when it was created.


Channel configuration

The following section details the configuration to be performed on the Linux queue manager to implement the channel.

The MQSC command to create each object is shown. Either start runmqsc from a UNIX prompt and enter each command in turn, or build the commands into a command file.

Examples are given for connecting WebSphere MQ for Linux and WebSphere MQ for HP-UX. If you wish to connect to another WebSphere MQ product use the appropriate set of values from the table in place of those for HP-UX.

The words in bold are user-specified and reflect the names of WebSphere MQ objects used throughout these examples. If you change the names used here, ensure that you also change the other references made to these objects throughout this book. All others are keywords and should be entered as shown.

Table 32. Configuration worksheet for WebSphere MQ for Linux

ID Parameter Name Reference Example Used User Value
Definition for local node
(A) Queue Manager Name LINUX
(B) Local queue name LINUX.LOCALQ
Connection to MQSeries for OS/2 Warp

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 16, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) OS2
(D) Remote queue name OS2.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) OS2.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name OS2
(G) Sender (SNA) channel name LINUX.OS2.SNA
(H) Sender (TCP/IP) channel name LINUX.OS2.TCP
(I) Receiver (SNA) channel name (G) OS2.LINUX.SNA
(J) Receiver (TCP/IP) channel name (H) OS2.LINUX.TCP
Connection to WebSphere MQ for Windows

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 18, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) WINNT
(D) Remote queue name WINNT.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) WINNT.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name WINNT
(G) Sender (SNA) channel name LINUX.WINNT.SNA
(H) Sender (TCP/IP) channel name LINUX.WINNT.TCP
(I) Receiver (SNA) channel name (G) WINNT.LINUX.SNA
(J) Receiver (TCP) channel name (H) WINNT.LINUX.TCP
Connection to WebSphere MQ for AIX

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 22, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) AIX
(D) Remote queue name AIX.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) AIX.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name AIX
(G) Sender (SNA) channel name LINUX.AIX.SNA
(H) Sender (TCP) channel name LINUX.AIX.TCP
(I) Receiver (SNA) channel name (G) AIX.LINUX.SNA
(J) Receiver (TCP) channel name (H) AIX.LINUX.TCP
Connection to MQSeries for Compaq Tru64 UNIX

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 23, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) DECUX
(D) Remote queue name DECUX.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) DECUX.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name DECUX
(H) Sender (TCP) channel name DECUX.LINUX.TCP
(J) Receiver (TCP) channel name (H) LINUX.DECUX.TCP
Connection to WebSphere MQ for HP-UX

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 25, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) HPUX
(D) Remote queue name HPUX.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) HPUX.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name HPUX
(G) Sender (SNA) channel name LINUX.HPUX.SNA
(H) Sender (TCP) channel name LINUX.HPUX.TCP
(I) Receiver (SNA) channel name (G) HPUX.LINUX.SNA
(J) Receiver (TCP/IP) channel name (H) HPUX.LINUX.TCP
Connection to MQSeries for AT&T GIS UNIX

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 27, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) GIS
(D) Remote queue name GIS.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) GIS.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name GIS
(G) Sender (SNA) channel name LINUX.GIS.SNA
(H) Sender (TCP/IP) channel name LINUX.GIS.TCP
(I) Receiver (SNA) channel name (G) GIS.LINUX.SNA
(J) Receiver (TCP/IP) channel name (H) GIS.LINUX.TCP
Connection to WebSphere MQ for Solaris

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 30, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) SOLARIS
(D) Remote queue name SOLARIS.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) SOLARIS.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name GIS
(G) Sender (SNA) channel name LINUX.SOLARIS.SNA
(H) Sender (TCP/IP) channel name LINUX.SOLARIS.TCP
(I) Receiver (SNA) channel name (G) SOLARIS.LINUX.SNA
(J) Receiver (TCP/IP) channel name (H) SOLARIS.LINUX.TCP
Connection to WebSphere MQ for iSeries

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 51, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) AS400
(D) Remote queue name AS400.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) AS400.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name AS400
(G) Sender (SNA) channel name LINUX.AS400.SNA
(H) Sender (TCP) channel name LINUX.AS400.TCP
(I) Receiver (SNA) channel name (G) AS400.LINUX.SNA
(J) Receiver (TCP) channel name (H) AS400.LINUX.TCP
Connection to WebSphere MQ for z/OS without CICS

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 36, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) MVS
(D) Remote queue name MVS.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) MVS.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name MVS
(G) Sender (SNA) channel name LINUX.MVS.SNA
(H) Sender (TCP) channel name LINUX.MVS.TCP
(I) Receiver (SNA) channel name (G) MVS.LINUX.SNA
(J) Receiver (TCP) channel name (H) MVS.LINUX.TCP
Connection to MQSeries for VSE/ESA (WebSphere MQ for Linux for Intel only)

The values in this section of the table must match those used in Table 53, as indicated.

(C) Remote queue manager name (A) VSE
(D) Remote queue name VSE.REMOTEQ
(E) Queue name at remote system (B) VSE.LOCALQ
(F) Transmission queue name VSE
(G) Sender channel name LINUX.VSE.SNA
(I) Receiver channel name (G) VSE.LINUX.SNA


WebSphere MQ for Linux for Intel sender-channel definitions using SNA

def ql (HPUX) +                                   (F)
    usage(xmitq) +
def qr (HPUX.REMOTEQ) +                           (D)
    rname(HPUX.LOCALQ) +                          (E)
    rqmname(HPUX) +                               (C)
    xmitq(HPUX) +                                 (F)
def chl (LINUX.HPUX.SNA) chltype(sdr) +           (G)
    trptype(lu62) +
    conname('HPUXCPIC') +                         (14)
    xmitq(HPUX) +                                 (F)


WebSphere MQ for Linux for Intel receiver-channel definitions using SNA

def ql (LINUX.LOCALQ) replace                     (B)
def chl (HPUX.LINUX.SNA) chltype(rcvr) +          (I)
    trptype(lu62) +


WebSphere MQ for Linux sender-channel definitions using TCP

def ql (HPUX) +                                   (F)
    usage(xmitq) +
def qr (HPUX.REMOTEQ) +                           (D)
    rname(HPUX.LOCALQ) +                          (E)
    rqmname(HPUX) +                               (C)
    xmitq(HPUX) +                                 (F)
def chl (LINUX.HPUX.TCP) chltype(sdr) +           (H)
    trptype(tcp) +
    conname(remote_tcpip_hostname) +
    xmitq(HPUX) +                                 (F)


WebSphere MQ for Linux receiver-channel definitions using TCP/IP

def ql (LINUX.LOCALQ) replace                     (B)
def chl (HPUX.LINUX.TCP) chltype(rcvr) +          (J)
    trptype(tcp) +


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