Selecting a channel

To select a channel, use the WRKMQMCHL command to begin at the Work with Channels panel:

  1. Move the cursor to the option field at the left of the required channel name.

  2. Type an option number.

  3. Press Enter to activate your choice.

If you select more than one channel, the options are activated in sequence.

Figure 104. Work with channels

|                             Work with MQM Channels                             |
|                                                                                |
|Queue Manager Name . . :   CNX                                                  |
|                                                                                |
| Type options, press Enter.                                                     |
|   2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   8=Work with Status   13=Ping      |
|   14=Start   15=End   16=Reset   17=Resolve                                    |
|                                                                                |
| Opt     Name                     Type       Transport     Status               |
|         CHLNIC                   *RCVR       *TCP         INACTIVE             |
|         CORSAIR.TO.MUSTANG       *SDR        *LU62        INACTIVE             |
|         FV.CHANNEL.MC.DJE1       *RCVR       *TCP         INACTIVE             |
|         FV.CHANNEL.MC.DJE2       *SDR        *TCP         INACTIVE             |
|         FV.CHANNEL.MC.DJE3       *RQSTR      *TCP         INACTIVE             |
|         FV.CHANNEL.MC.DJE4       *SVR        *TCP         INACTIVE             |
|         FV.CHANNEL.PETER         *RCVR       *TCP         INACTIVE             |
|         FV.CHANNEL.PETER.LU      *RCVR       *LU62        INACTIVE             |
|         FV.CHANNEL.PETER.LU1     *RCVR       *LU62        INACTIVE             |
|                                                                        More... |
| Parameters or command                                                          |
| ===>                                                                           |
| F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F9=Retrieve   F12=Cancel        |
| F21=Print                                                                      |
|                                                                                |