Defining an LU 6.2 connection

SNA must be configured so that an LU 6.2 conversation can be established between the two machines.

See the Multiplatform APPC Configuration Guide and the following table for information.

Table 20. Settings on the local UNIX system for a remote queue manager platform

Remote platform TPNAME TPPATH
z/OS or OS/390 or MVS/ESA without CICS The same as the corresponding TPName in the side information on the remote queue manager. -
z/OS or OS/390 or MVS/ESA using CICS CKRC (sender)
CKSV (requester)
CKRC (server)
OS/400 The same as the compare value in the routing entry on the OS/400 system. -
OS/2 As specified in the OS/2 Run Listener command, or defaulted from the OS/2 queue manager configuration file. <drive>:\mqm\bin\amqcrs6a
UNIX systems The same as the corresponding TPName in the side information on the remote queue manager. opt/mqm/bin/amqcrs6a
Windows As specified in the Windows Run Listener command, or the invokable Transaction Program that was defined using TpSetup on Windows. <drive>:\mqm\bin\amqcrs6a

If you have more than one queue manager on the same machine, ensure that the TPnames in the channel definitions are unique.


Sending end

  • On UNIX systems other than SINIX, and DC/OSx, create a CPI-C side object (symbolic destination) and enter this name in the Connection name field in the channel definition. Also create an LU 6.2 link to the partner.

    In the CPI-C side object enter the partner LU name at the receiving machine, the transaction program name and the mode name. For example:

    Partner LU Name              REMHOST
    Remote TP Name               recv
    Service Transaction Program  no
    Mode Name                    #INTER

    On HP-UX, use the APPCLLU environment variable to name the local LU that the sender should use. On Solaris, set the APPC_LOCAL_LU environment variable to be the local LU name.

    SECURITY PROGRAM is used, where supported by CPI-C, when WebSphere MQ attempts to establish an SNA session.

  • On SINIX, create an XSYMDEST entry in SNA configuration file (the TRANSIT KOGS file), for example:
    XSYMDEST sendMP01,
    RLU       = forties,
    MODE      = MODE1,
    TP        = recvMP01,
    TP-TYP    = USER,
    SEC-TYP   = NONE

    See the MQSeries for SINIX and DC/OSx System Management Guide for more information about the TRANSIT KOGS file.

  • On DC/OSx, create an entry in the /etc/opt/lu62/cpic_cfg file, for example:
    sendMP01 <local LU name> <remote LU name> <mode name> <remote TP name>


Receiving on LU 6.2

  • On UNIX systems other than SINIX, and DC/OSx, create a listening attachment at the receiving end, an LU 6.2 logical connection profile, and a TPN profile.

    In the TPN profile, enter the full path to the executable and the Transaction Program name:

    Full path to TPN executable   opt/mqm/bin/amqcrs6a
    Transaction Program name      recv
    User ID                       0

    On systems where you can set the User ID, specify a user who is a member of the mqm group. On HP-UX, set the APPCTPN transaction(name) and APPCLLU (local LU name) environment variables (you can use the configuration panels for the invoked transaction program). On Solaris, set the APPC_LOCAL_LU environment variable to be the local LU name.

    On Solaris, amqcrs6a requires the option -n tp_name, where tp_name is the TP name on the receiving end of the SNA connection. It is the value of the tp_path variable in the SunLink configuration file.

    You may need to use a queue manager other than the default queue manager. If so, define a command file that calls:

    amqcrs6a -m Queue_Man_Name

    then call the command file. On AIX, use the TPN profile parameters as follows:

     Use Command Line Parameters ?                 yes
     Command Line Parameters                       -m Queue_Man_Name

  • On SINIX, create an XTP entry in the SNA configuration file (the TRANSIT KOGS file), for example:
     XTP       recvMP01,
                        UID         = abcdefgh,
                        TYP         = USER,
                        PATH        = /home/abcdefgh/,
                        SECURE      = NO

    Where /home/abcdefgh/ is a file that contains:

    # script to start the receiving side for the qmgr MP01
    exec /opt/mqm/bin/amqcrs6a -m <queue manager>

    See the MQSeries for SINIX and DC/OSx System Management Guide for more information about the TRANSIT KOGS file.

  • On DC/OSx, add a Transaction Program entry to the SNA configuration file, including the following information:
            transaction programname (ebcdic): recvMP04
            transaction program execute name:
            tp is enabled
            tp supports basic conversations
            tp supports mapped conversations
            tp supports confirm synchronization
            tp supports no synchronization
            no verification is required
            number of pip fields required: 0
            privilege mask (hex): 0
                    (no privileges)


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