Get Inhibited
Event name: Get Inhibited. Reason code in MQCFH: MQRC_GET_INHIBITED (2016, X'7E0').
Gets inhibited for the queue.
Event description: MQGET calls are currently inhibited for the queue (see the InhibitGet queue attribute in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference manual) or for the queue to which this queue resolves. Event type: Inhibit. Platforms: All. Event queue: SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT.
Event data
- QMgrName
Description: Name of the queue manager generating the event. Identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME. Datatype: MQCFST. Maximum length: MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH. Returned: Always.
- QName
Description: Queue name from object descriptor (MQOD). Identifier: MQCA_Q_NAME. Datatype: MQCFST. Maximum length: MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH. Returned: Always.
- ApplType
Description: Type of application that issued the get. Identifier: MQIA_APPL_TYPE. Datatype: MQCFIN. Returned: Always.
- ApplName
Description: Name of the application that issued the get. Identifier: MQCACF_APPL_NAME. Datatype: MQCFST. Maximum length: MQ_APPL_NAME_LENGTH. Returned: Always.
- Note:
- If the application is a server for clients, the ApplType and ApplName parameters identify the server, not the client.
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