Constants for the cluster workload exit

This chapter specifies the values of the named constants that apply to the cluster workload exit. This information is general-use programming interface information.

The constants are grouped according to the parameter or field to which they relate. The names of the constants in a group begin with a common prefix of the form MQxxxx_, where xxxx represents a string of 0 through 4 characters that indicates the parameter or field to which the values relate. The constants are ordered alphabetically by this prefix.


  1. For constants with numeric values, the values are shown in both decimal and hexadecimal forms.

  2. Hexadecimal values are represented using the notation X'hhhh', where each h denotes a single hexadecimal digit.

  3. Character values are shown delimited by single quotation marks; the quotation marks are not part of the value.

  4. Blanks in character values are represented by one or more occurrences of the symbol b.