MQXCLWLN - Navigate Cluster workload records


The MQXCLWLN call is used to navigate through the chains of MQWDR, MQWQR, and MQWCR records stored in the cluster cache. The cluster cache is an area of main storage used to store information relating to the cluster.

This call is supported in the following environments: AIX, HP-UX, Linux, iSeries, Solaris, and Windows



 MQXCLWLN  (ExitParms, CurrentRecord, NextOffset, NextRecord, Compcode, Reason)



The  MQ_CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_EXIT  call has the following parameters.

ExitParms  (MQWXP) - input/output 
Exit parameter block.

This structure contains information relating to the invocation of the exit. The exit sets information in this structure to indicate how the workload should be managed.

CurrentRecord  (MQPTR) - input 
Address of current record.

This structure contains information relating to the address of the record currently being examined by the exit. The record must be one of the following types:

  • Cluster workload destination record (MQWDR)

  • Cluster workload queue record (MQWQR)

  • Cluster workload cluster record (MQWCR)

NextOffset  (MQLONG) - input 
Offset of next record.

This structure contains information relating to the offset of the next record or structure. NextOffset is the value of the appropriate offset field in the current record, and must be one of the following fields:

  • ChannelDefOffset field in MQWDR

  • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWDR

  • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWQR

  • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWCR

NextRecord  (MQPTR) - output 
Address of next record or structure.

This structure contains information relating to the address of the next record or structure. If CurrentRecord is the address of an MQWDR, and NextOffset is the value of the ChannelDefOffset field, NextRecord is the address of the channel definition structure (MQCD).

If there is no next record or structure, the queue manager sets NextRecord to the null pointer, and the call returns completion code MQCC_WARNING and reason code MQRC_NO_RECORD_AVAILABLE.

CompCode  (MQLONG) - output 
Completion code.

It is one of the following:

Successful completion.

Warning (partial completion).

Call failed.

Reason  (MQLONG) - output 
Reason code qualifying CompCode

If CompCode is MQCC_OK:

(0, X'000) No reason to report.

If CompCode is MQCC_WARNING:

(2359, X'0937') No record available

If CompCode is MQCC_FAILED:

(2357, X'0935') Current-record parameter not valid.

(2012, X'07DC') Call not valid in environment.

(2358, X'0936') Next-offset parameter not valid.

(2361, X'0939') NextRecord parameter not valid.

(2356, X'0934') Workload exit parameter structure not valid.

For more information on these reason codes, see the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference manual.


Usage notes

  1. If the cluster cache is dynamic, the MQXCLWLN call must be used to navigate through the records; the exit will terminate abnormally if simple pointer-and-offset arithmetic is used to navigate through the records.

    If the cluster cache is static, MQXCLWLN need not be used to navigate through the records. However, it is recommended that MQXCLWLN be used even when the cache is static, as this allows migration to a dynamic cache without needing to change the workload exit.

    For more information on dynamic and static cluster cache's see ***


C invocation

MQXCLWLN (&ExitParms, CurrentRecord, NextOffset, &NextRecord, &CompCode, &Reason) ;

Declare the parameters as follows:

typedef struct tagMQXCLWLN {
  MQWXP     ExitParms;            /* Exit parameter block */
  MQPTR     CurrentRecord;        /* Address of current record*/
  MQLONG    NextOffset;           /* Offset of next record */
  MQPTR     NextRecord;           /* Address of next record or structure */
  MQLONG    CompCode;             /* Completion code */
  MQLONG    Reason;               /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */


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