Using syncpoint coordination
Within WebSphere MQ, one of the roles of the queue manager is syncpoint control within an application. If an application runs on an WebSphere MQ client, it can issue MQCMIT and MQBACK, but the scope of the syncpoint control is limited to the MQI resources.
Applications running in the full queue manager environment on the server can coordinate multiple resources (for example databases) via a transaction monitor. On the server you can use the Transaction Monitor supplied with the Version 5.1 and above MQSeries products, or another transaction monitor such as CICS. You cannot use a transaction monitor with a client application. The WebSphere MQ verb MQBEGIN is not valid in a client environment.
Compaq NonStop Kernel server
When a WebSphere MQ client connects to a queue manager on Compaq NonStop Kernel:
- Any MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 with an MQ*_SYNCPOINT option initiates a Compaq NonStop Kernel transaction, if one has not already been associated with the connection handle.
- Any MQGET, MQPUT, or MQPUT1 with neither an MQ*_SYNCPOINT nor an MQ*_NO_SYNCPOINT option initiates a Compaq NonStop Kernel transaction, if one has not already been associated with the connection handle.
- The MQCMIT call commits a Compaq NonStop Kernel transaction, if one is associated with the connection handle. The MQBACK call cancels the Compaq NonStop Kernel transaction, if one is associated with the connection handle.
In all cases, if the Compaq NonStop Kernel BEGINTRANSACTION fails, a CompCode of MQCC_FAILED, and a Reason of MQRC_SYNCPOINT_NOT_AVAILABLE are returned to the caller.
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