Choosing client or server coded character set identifier (CCSID)

The data passed across the MQI from the application to the client stub should be in the local coded character set identifier (CCSID), encoded for the WebSphere MQ client. If the connected queue manager requires the data to be converted, this is done by the client support code.

The client code assumes that the character data crossing the MQI in the client is in the CCSID configured for that machine. If this CCSID is an unsupported CCSID or is not the required CCSID, it can be overridden with the MQCCSID environment variable, for example:


Or, on UNIX systems: export MQCCSID=850

Set this in the profile and all MQI data will be assumed to be in code page 850.

This does not apply to application data in the message.


CCSID and encoding fields - multiple puts

If your application is performing multiple PUTs that include WebSphere MQ headers after the message descriptor (MQMD), be aware that the CCSID and encoding fields of the MQMD are overwritten after completion of the first PUT. After the first PUT, these fields contain the value used by the connected queue manager to convert the WebSphere MQ headers. Ensure that your application resets the values to those it requires.


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