MQZ_LOOKUP_NAME - Lookup name
This function is provided by a name service component, and is invoked by the queue manager to retrieve the name of the owning queue manager, for a specified queue.
The function identifier for this function (for MQZEP ) is MQZID_LOOKUP_NAME.
- MQZ_LOOKUP_NAME (queue_manager, QName, Resolvedqueue_manager, ComponentData,
- Continuation, CompCode, Reason)
The MQZ_LOOKUP_NAME call has the following parameters.
queue_manager (MQCHAR48) - input
Queue manager name.
The name of the queue manager calling the component. This name is padded with blanks to the full length of the parameter; the name is not terminated by a null character.
The queue-manager name is passed to the component for information; the name service interface does not require the component to make use of it in any defined manner.
QName (MQCHAR48) - input
Queue name.
The name of the queue which is to be resolved. This name is padded with blanks to the full length of the parameter; the name is not terminated by a null character.
Resolvedqueue_manager (MQCHAR48) - output
Resolved queue manager name.
If the function completes successfully, this is the name of the queue manager that owns the queue.
The name returned by the service component must be padded on the right with blanks to the full length of the parameter; the name must not be terminated by a null character, or contain leading or embedded blanks.
ComponentData (MQBYTE×ComponentDataLength) - input/output
Component data.
This data is kept by the queue manager on behalf of this particular component; any changes made to it by any of the functions provided by this component are preserved, and presented the next time one of this component's functions is called.
Component data is in shared memory accessible to all processes.
The length of this data area is passed by the queue manager in the ComponentDataLength parameter of the MQZ_INIT_NAME call.
Continuation (MQLONG) - output
Continuation indicator set by component.
For MQZ_LOOKUP_NAME , the queue manager decides whether to invoke another name service component, as follows:
- If CompCode is MQCC_OK, no further components are invoked, whatever value is returned in Continuation.
- If CompCode is not MQCC_OK, a further component is invoked, unless Continuation is MQZCI_STOP. This value should not be set without good reason.
The following values can be specified:
- Continuation dependent on queue manager.
- Continue with next component.
- Do not continue with next component.
CompCode (MQLONG) - output
Completion code.
It is one of the following:
- Successful completion.
- Call failed.
Reason (MQLONG) - output
Reason code qualifying CompCode.
If CompCode is MQCC_OK:
- (0, X'000') No reason to report.
If CompCode is MQCC_FAILED:
- (2289, X'8F1') Unexpected error occurred accessing service.
- (2285, X'8ED') Underlying service not available.
- (2288, X'8F0') Queue name not found.
C invocation
MQZ_LOOKUP_NAME (queue_manager, QName, Resolvedqueue_manager, ComponentData, &Continuation, &CompCode, &Reason);The parameters passed to the service are declared as follows:
MQCHAR48 queue_manager; /* Queue manager name */ MQCHAR48 QName; /* Queue name */ MQCHAR48 Resolvedqueue_manager; /* Resolved queue manager name */ MQBYTE ComponentData[n]; /* Component data */ MQLONG Continuation; /* Continuation indicator set by component */ MQLONG CompCode; /* Completion code */ MQLONG Reason; /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */