Login bindings configuration settings

To configure the encryption and decryption parameters.

The pluggable token uses the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) CallBackHandler (javax.security.auth.callback.CallBackHandler) interface to generate the token that is inserted into the message. The following list describes the CallBack support implementations...

com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.BinaryTokenCallback This implementation is used for generating binary tokens inserted as <wsse:BinarySecurityToken/@ValueType> in the message.

javax.security.auth.callback.NameCallback and javax.security.auth.callback.NameCallback This implementation is used for generating user name tokens inserted as <wsse:UsernameToken> in the message.

com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.XMLTokenSenderCallback This implementation is used to generate Extensible Markup Language (XML) tokens and is inserted as the <SAML: Assertion> element in the message.

com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.auth.callback.PropertyCallback This implementation is used to obtain properties specified in the binding file.

To view this administrative console page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Applications > Enterprise Applications > appname.

  2. Under Related Items, click Web Module > URI_file_name > Web Services: Client Security Bindings .

  3. Under Request Sender Bindings, click Edit > Login Binding.

If the encryption information is not available, select None.

If the encryption information is available, select Dedicated Login Binding and specify the configuration in the following fields...

Authentication Method Specifies the unique name for the authentication method.

Callback Handler Name of the callback handler.The callback handler must implement the javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler interface.

Basic Auth User ID Specifies the user name for basic authentication. The basic authentication method provides the capability to define a user ID and a password in the binding file.

Basic Auth Password Specifies the password for basic authentication.

Token Type URI Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) for the token type. This information is inserted as <wsse:BinarySecurityToken>/ValueType for the <SAML: Assertion> XML token.

Token Type Local Name Specifies the local name for the token type. This information is inserted as <wsse:BinarySecurityToken>/ValueType for the <SAML... Assertion> XML token.


See Also

Securing Web services using XML encryption
Web Services: Client security bindings collection