Example: Developing your own DataStoreHelper class
The DataStoreHelper interface supports each data store platform plugging in its own private data store specific functions that are used by the Relational Resource Adapter run time.
package com.ibm.websphere.examples.adapter; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.resource.ResourceException; import com.ibm.websphere.appprofile.accessintent.AccessIntent; import com.ibm.websphere.ce.cm.*; import com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.WSInteractionSpec; /** * Example DataStoreHelper class, demonstrating how to create a user-defined DataStoreHelper. * Implementation for each method is provided only as an example. More detail would likely be * required for any custom DataStoreHelper created for use by a real application. */ public class ExampleDataStoreHelper extends com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.GenericDataStoreHelper { static final long serialVersionUID = 8788931090149908285L; public ExampleDataStoreHelper java.util.Properties(props) { super(props); // Update the DataStoreHelperMetaData values for this helper. getMetaData().setGetTypeMapSupport(false); // Update the exception mappings for this helper. java.util.Map xMap = new java.util.HashMap(); // Add an Error Code mapping to StaleConnectionException. xMap.put(new Integer(2310), StaleConnectionException.class); // Add an Error Code mapping to DuplicateKeyException. xMap.put(new Integer(1062), DuplicateKeyException.class); // Add a SQL State mapping to the user-defined ColumnNotFoundException xMap.put("S0022", ColumnNotFoundException.class); // Undo an inherited StaleConnection SQL State mapping. xMap.put("S1000", Void.class); setUserDefinedMap(xMap); } public void doStatementCleanup(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { // Clean up the statement so it may be cached and reused. stmt.setCursorName(""); stmt.setEscapeProcessing(true); stmt.setFetchDirection(java.sql.ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD); stmt.setMaxFieldSize(0); stmt.setMaxRows(0); stmt.setQueryTimeout(0); } public int getIsolationLevel AccessIntent(intent) throws ResourceException { // Determine an isolation level based on the AccessIntent. if (intent == null) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; return intent.getConcurrencyControl() == AccessIntent.CONCURRENCY_CONTROL_OPTIMISTIC ? java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED ... java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ; } public int getLockType AccessIntent(intent) { if ( intent.getConcurrencyControl() == AccessIntent.CONCURRENCY_CONTROL_PESSIMISTIC) { if ( intent.getAccessType() == AccessIntent.ACCESS_TYPE_READ ) { return WSInteractionSpec.LOCKTYPE_SELECT; } else { return WSInteractionSpec.LOCKTYPE_SELECT_FOR_UPDATE; } } } public int getResultSetConcurrency AccessIntent(intent) throws ResourceException { // Determine a ResultSet concurrency based on the AccessIntent. return intent == null || intent.getAccessType() == AccessIntent.ACCESS_TYPE_READ ? java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY ... java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE; } public int getResultSetType AccessIntent(intent) throws ResourceException { // Determine a ResultSet type based on the AccessIntent. if (intent == null) return java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE; return intent.getCollectionAccess() == AccessIntent.COLLECTION_ACCESS_SERIAL ? java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ... java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE; } }
package com.ibm.websphere.examples.adapter; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.ibm.websphere.ce.cm.PortableSQLException; /** * Example PortableSQLException subclass, which demonstrates how to create a user-defined * exception for exception mapping. */ public class ColumnNotFoundException extends PortableSQLException { public ColumnNotFoundException(SQLException sqlX) { super(sqlX); } }