Configure SSL

SSL is used by multiple components within WAS to provide trust and privacy. These components are the built-in HTTP Transport, the Object Request Broker (ORB) (for client and server) and the secure LDAP client. Configuring SSL is different between client and server with WAS.

  1. Configure the client (JSSE): Use the sas.client.props file located in the ${$WAS_HOME}/properties directory. The sas.client.props file is a configuration file that contains lists of property-value pairs, using the syntax <property> = <value>. The property names are case sensitive, but the values are not; the values are converted to lowercase when the file is read. By default, the sas.client.props file is located in the properties directory under the $WAS_HOME of your WAS installation. Specify the following properties for an SSL connection...












    Note that Although WAS supports the IBM Federal Information Processing Standard-approved Java Secure Socket Extension (IBMJSSEFIPS), IBMJSSEFIPS is not supported on the HP-UX platform.

  2. Configure the server: Use the administrative console to configure an appserver that makes SSL connections. To start the administrative console, specify the following Web address: http://server_hostname:9090/admin. Create an SSL configuration repertoires alias or entry. You can select the alias later when a component is configured for SSL support. An SSL configuration repertoires entry contains the following fields...

    • Typical configuration settings...

      • Alias

      • Key file name

      • Key file password

      • Key file format

      • Trust file name

      • Trust file password

      • Trust file format

      • Client authentication

      • Security level

      • Cipher suites

    • For the cryptographic token device...

      • Cryptographic token (Create the alias first so you can configure these fields).

        • Token type

        • Library file

        • Password

    • For additional Java properties...

      • Custom properties (Create the alias first so you can configure these fields).




See Also

Digital certificates
Authentication protocol for EJB security