Choosing which Cloudscape version to use
Occasionally, WAS offers updates to its software in the form of fixpacks. Some of these fixpacks might include an updated version of Cloudscape. You have the option to continue using your current level of Cloudscape if you want to.
If you cannot locate the oldVersions directory mentioned in the following steps, there is probably no old version installed for that release.
Recommendation: Do NOT return to a lower level of Cloudscape if a fixpack has overwritten your current one. However, if you choose to do so, follow these steps:
- For fixes applied to WAS v5.0.2
- Open the WAS_HOME/cloudscapeCommon/oldVersions directory and pick the version you want.
- Unjar the JAR file that you select in step 1. Put it into a temporary directory, for example /tmp. Now you have two options...
- If Cloudscape51 is already installed:
- replace the Cloudscape jar files (db2j.jar and db2jtools.jar) in WAS_HOME/lib with those in tmp/lib
- replace the Cloudscape jar files in WAS_HOME/cloudscape51/lib with /tmp/lib.
- If Cloudscape51 is not already installed:
- replace the following in WAS_HOME/cloudscape51 with those in /tmp/z (where z applies only to zOS) For non-zOS, use...
- WAS_cloudscape51.jar
- For fixes applied to WAS v5.1 and beyond...
- Open the WAS_HOME/cloudscape/oldVersions directory and choose the version that you want
- Unjar the jar file that you selected in step 1.This gives you a lib directory.
- Replace the jar file in the WAS_HOME/cloudscape51/lib with the unjared one.