IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator
Store Factory methods
The following examples are of methods that can be used with the Store Factory:
- public static PropertyStore getDefaultPropertyStore () throws
- Returns the default Property Store.
- public static PropertyStore getPropertyStore ( String table )
throws Exception;
- Returns the Property Store identified by name. Only one instance of a
given name is present at one time.
- @param name
- The Property Store name.
- @return
- The Property Store object associated with name.
- public static String getSystemDatabaseURL ();
- Returns the System Store JDBC URL.
- public static Connection getConnection () throws Exception;
- Returns a connection object to the default database.
- public static Connection getConnection ( String database ) throws
- Returns a connection object to the named database with AutoCommit set
to TRUE.
- @param database
- The database name.
- public static Connection getConnection ( String database, boolean
autoCommit ) throws Exception;
- Returns a connection object to the named database.
- @param database
- The database name.
- @param autocommit
- The AutoCommit flag.
- @return
- A connection object to the named database.
- public static boolean dropTable ( Connection connection, String
table );
- Drops a table in the database associated with connection.
- @param connection
- The connection object obtained by getConnection().
- @param table
- The table to drop.
- public static void verifyTable ( Connection connection, String
table, Vector sql ) throws Exception;
- Verifies that a table is accessible in the database.
- @param connection
- The connection object obtained by getConnection().
If null, a connection to the default table is obtained.
- @param table
- The table name to verify.
- @param sql
- A vector of SQL statements to create the table if it does not exist.
- public static Exception dropTable ( String tableName );
- Drops a table in the default database.
- @param tableName
- The name of the table to drop.
- public static byte[] serializeObject ( Object obj ) throws Exception;
- Serializes an object to a byte array.
- @param obj
- The object to serialize.
- @return
- The byte array containing the serialized object.
- public static Object deserializeObject ( byte[] array ) throws
- Deserializes a byte array into a Java object.
- @param array
- The byte array with the serialized Java object.
- @return
- The resurrected Java object.
Parent topic: System Store