The IBM TDI (TDI) 7.1 Administration and Monitoring Console (AMC) user interface is deployed into the Integrated Solutions Console (ISC). Use the AMC to start, stop and manage TDI Configs and AssemblyLines remotely.
IBM TDI 7.1 also ships an Action Manager with the AMC. The Action Manager is a stand-alone Java™ application that interacts with the AMC database and uses the Remote Server API to manage remote AssemblyLines.
The Administration and Monitoring Console is comprised of a Java WAR file (Web Archive) and a WAB file (Web Bundle) that can be deployed on ISC SE and Tivoli Integrated Portal (ISC embedded).
The current Action Manager, bundled with IBM TDI 7.1 AMC, supports TDI 7.1, TDI 6.1.X and TDI 6.0. Note that the Action Manager for IBM TDI 7.1 supports TDI 6.1.X and TDI 6.0 with some restrictions. Versions of TDI prior to version 6.0 are not supported.
IBM TDI 7.1 and solutions developed and deployed with it can also be monitored with IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) Server and Portal or IBM Netcool/OMNIBus, by virtue of TDI's Java Management Extension (JMX) interface. We can find supported examples that show how we can accomplish this in the appendix entitled, Appendix C. Monitoring with external tools.