Publishing your application



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Publishing involves copying files to the correct location for the appserver to find and use them. In some cases, temporary copies of the server configurations may be created. You can either publish your application automatically or manually.


Automatically publishing to a server

If the "Automatically publish when starting servers" check box on the Server preferences page...

Window | Preferences | Server | Launching selected, the server tools check to see if your project and files on the server are synchronized. If they are not, the project and the files are automatically updated when the server is either started or restarted.

In the workbench, you have several options to choose for the Publishing settings. You can set these Publishing settings by going into the Servers view, right-click the server and select Open. The Server editor opens. In the Overview page of the server editor, under the Publishing settings, you are going to find the following settings:

In the workbench, the default setting is the Use automatic publishing settings option is enabled with a value set to the publishing interval.

In addition, under the Select enabled publishers list you can enable tasks to run during publishing:


Manually publishing to a server

If you do not want to wait for the automatic publishing interval to pass, at anytime you can manually request the workbench to issue a publish command to the server. Each manual publish command causes a single publishing request to the server. To publish your application manually you can complete one of the following in the Servers view:

For the Tomcat local server, J2EE publishing server and Static Web publishing server environments, clicking Publish to the server icon transfers publishable files outside the workbench. When publishing to one of these servers, you can select one of the following publishing method:

There is a WebSphere File Transfer servlet application, filetransfer.ear file, available in the WAS v6.0 and v6.1, but is no longer needed for WAS v7.0. For WAS v6.x, this Websphere File Transfer servlet handles the publishing method automatically. If the WAS v6.x is set with security enabled, run this WebSphere File Transfer servlet (filetransfer.ear) application. By default, this application is installed and started on the WAS v6.x.

For a remote WAS, the Agent Controller is no longer required. If you are running a remote WAS v6.x in secured mode, the output of the server might not appear in the Console view. You need to run a redeployFileTransfer.jacl script to correct this problem, see Console output does not display for remote WAS v6.x topic for details.

All the projects defined in the server configuration that are associated with the selected server are published. The resources in these projects are transferred to the location that is defined by the server.


Related tasks

Creating a WAS
Setting publishing preferences for a WAS
Defining the server preference