TCP/IP Monitor view
The TCP/IP Monitor is a simple server that monitors all the requests and the responses between a Web browser and server. If you want the TCP/IP Monitor view to open when there is TCP/IP activity, select the
Show TCP/IP Monitor view when there is activity check box on the TCP/IP Monitor preferences page (
Window | Run/Debug | TCP/IP Monitor).
You can monitor the TCP/IP activity using the TCP/IP Monitor view (
Window | Show View | Other | Debug | TCP/IP Monitor). This view consists of the three panes:
- List of Requests pane. Located on the top of the TCP/IP Monitor view, this pane contains a list of requests sent to the application server.
- Request pane. Located on the left of the TCP/IP Monitor view, this pane contains information about the request when it is forwarded to the application server.
- Response pane. Located on the right side of the TCP/IP Monitor view, this pane contains information about the response when it is received from the application server.
In the List of Requests pane, requests such as JSP files, servlets, and URLs are grouped and displayed by the host machine. Selecting a request displays the appropriate information about the request in the Request pane and the Response pane. The response time is the elapsed time that it takes for a request to arrive at the TCP/IP Monitor until the response is forwarded from the server.
Related tasks
Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preferences