Manually validating code

When you run a manual validation, all resources in the selected project are validated according to the validation settings.

The validators used depend on the global and project validation settings. When you validate a project manually, the global settings are used unless both of the following are true:

Whether the workbench uses the global or project validation preferences, only the validators selected to run on manual validation are used when you run a manual validation.

To manually invoke an immediate code validation, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the project that you want to validate.

  2. Right-click the project and then click

    Validate. If this option is not available, validation is disabled or there are no validators enabled for the project. To enable validation at the global level, see Validating code in enterprise applications. To enable validators for this project, see Overriding global validation preferences.

The workbench validates the project using the enabled validators. Any errors found by the validators are listed in the Problems view.


Related tasks

Disabling validation

Overriding global validation preferences

Selecting code validators


Related reference

Tuning validators