Changing the appearance of the console view

To set the types of output (and their colors) in the Console view:

  1. Open the Run/Debug > Console preference page.

  2. Checking the Show when program writes to standard out checkbox will make the Console view visible each time new output is written to the console from the program's standard output stream. If there is no Console view in the current perspective, one will be created.

  3. Checking the Show when program writes to standard err checkbox will make the Console view visible each time new output is written to the console from the program's standard error stream. If there is no Console view in the current perspective, one will be created.

  4. Click any of the color buttons to change the color for the corresponding text stream.  

To set the fonts used in the Console view:

  1. Open the General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts preference page.

  2. Select Console font from the Debug category and use the Change... button to change the font.  (The Detail Pane Text Font can be used to change the font of the debugger's default Detail Pane).

Java views

Console view
Views and editors