Type Hierarchy View

This view shows the hierarchy of a type. The Type Hierarchy view consists of two panes:


Type Hierarchy tree pane toolbar buttons

The type hierarchy tree shows supertypes, suptypes or both of a given type depending on the selection made in the toolbar.



Previous Hierarchy Inputs

This menu displays a history of previously displayed type hierarchies.

Show the Type Hierarchy

This command displays the type in its full context (i.e., superclasses and subclasses) in the Hierarchy view. To see for which type the hierarchy is shown, hover over the view title (e.g., "Types").

Show the Supertype Hierarchy

This command displays the supertypes and the hierarchy of all implemented interfaces of the type in the Hierarchy view. The tree starts at the selected type and displays the result of traversing up the hierarchy. Note: The selected type is always at the top level, in the upper-left corner.

Show the Subtype Hierarchy

This command displays the subtypes of the selected class and/or all implementors of the interface in the Hierarchy view. The tree starts at the selected type and displays the result of traversing down the hierarchy Note: The selected type is always at the top level, in the upper-left corner.

Layout > Hierarchy View Only

Hides the member list pane.


Member list pane toolbar buttons

The member list pane displays the members of the currently selected type in the type hierarchy tree pane.



Lock View and Show Members in Hierarchy

Shows the members implementing the selected method Only types implementing the method are shown.

When the view is locked, the member list pane no longer tracks the selection in the hierarchy pane above.

Show All Inherited Members

Shows or hides all methods and fields inherited by base classes. When this option is set, the name of the type that defines the method is appended to the method name.

Sort Members by the Defining Type

Sorts the members according to the type in which they are defined.

Hide Fields

Shows or hides the fields.

Hide Static Fields and Methods

Shows or hides the static fields and methods.

Hide Non-Public Members

Shows or hides the static fields and methods.

Views and editors