Display View

The Display View displays the result of evaluating an expression in the context of the current stack frame. You can evaluate and display a selection either from the editor or directly from the Display View.

The commands available in the display view are listed below.

Display View Commands






Clears the current contents of the view.

Context menu and view action
Copy Copies the selected statements to the system clipboard. Context menu
Content Assist Opens the content assist popup for context sensitive coding assistance Context menu
Cut Copies the selected statements to the system clipboard and removes them from the view. Context menu
Display Displays the result of the selected statement inline in the view. Context menu and view action
Execute Runs the selected statement. This action is analogous to running the statement in normal code. Context menu and view action
  Find/Replace Allows you to search for and replace specific statements, or portions of statements Context menu
Inspect Result Allows you to inspect what the return value of the selected statement will be. Context menu and view action
Paste Copies material from the system clipboard into the view Context menu
  Select All Selects all of the statements in the view Context menu

Java views
Java perspectives

Evaluating expressions

Views and editors