New Java Enum Wizard

The New Java Enum Type wizard helps you to create a new Java enum in in a Java project.
Java Enum Options
Option Description Default
Source folder Enter a source folder for the new enum. Either type a valid source folder path or click Browse to select a source folder via a dialog. The source folder of the element that was selected when the wizard has been started.
Package Enter a package to contain the new enum. You can select either this option or the Enclosing Type option, below. Either type a valid package name or click Browse to select a package via a dialog. The package of the element that was selected when the wizard has been started.
Enclosing type Select this option to choose a type in which to enclose the new enum. You can select either this option or the Package option, above. Either type a valid name in the field or click Browse to select a type via a dialog. The type or the primary type of the compilation unit that was selected when the wizard has been started or <blank>
Name Type a name for the new enum. <blank>

Select one or more access modifiers for the new enum.

  • Either public, default, private, or protected (private and protected are only available if you specify an enclosing type)
Interfaces Click

Add to choose interfaces that the new enum implements.

Do you want to add comments? When selected, the wizard adds comments to the new enum where appropriate. Do not add comments

File actions