JDT Icons
compilation unit (*.java file)
Java file which is not on a build path
class file
file without icon assigned to its type
unknown object
Java scrapbook page (*.jpage file)
Java scrapbook page (evaluation in progress)
JAR description file
Java working set
Java model
library container
JAR file with attached source
JAR file without attached source
class folder with attached source
class folder without attached source
source folder
empty package
logical package
empty logical package
package only containing non Java resources
package declaration
import container
class (public)
interface (public)
enum type (public)
annotation type (public)
package visible class
private class
protected class
default field (package visible)
private field
protected field
public field
default method (package visible)
private method
protected method
public method
Object adornments
marks project as Java project
this Java element causes an error
this Java element causes a warning
this Java element is deprecated
abstract member
final member
static member
synchronized member
type with public static void main(String[] args)
implements method from interface
overrides method from super class
type with focus in Type hierarchy
maximal expansion level in Call Hierarchy
recursive call in Call Hierarchy
compilation unit containing an abstract class as primary type
compilation unit containing an interface as primary type
compilation unit containing an enum as primary type
compilation unit containing an annotation as primary type
Build path
class path variable
JAR with attached source
JAR without attached source
system library
build path ordering
inclusion filter
exclusion filter
access rules
Javadoc location
source attachment
native library location
output folder
Code assist
HTML tag
Javadoc tag
local variable
SWT template
debug launch
run launch
terminated run launch
terminated process
debug target
suspended debug target
terminated debug target
suspended thread
stack frame
running stack frame
adornment that marks a stack frame that may be out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace
adornment that marks a stack frame that is out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace
inspected object or primitive value
watch expression
local variable
a monitor in contention
a thread in contention for a monitor
a monitor that is owned by a thread
a thread that owns a monitor
current instruction pointer (top of stack)
current instruction pointer
enabled line breakpoint
disabled line breakpoint
adornment that marks a line breakpoints as installed
adornment that marks a breakpoint as conditional
adornment that marks an entry method breakpoint
adornment that marks an exit method breakpoint
field access watchpoint
field modification watchpoint
field access and modification watchpoint
adornment that marks a watchpoint as installed
exception breakpoint
runtime exception breakpoint
disabled exception breakpoint
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as caught
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as uncaught
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as scoped
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as installed
quick assist available
search match
currently running test
successful test
failing test
test throwing an exception
ignored test
test suite
currently running test suite
successfully completed test suite
test suite with failing test
test suite with exception throwing test
caught exception
stack frame element
NLS tools
skipped NLS key
translated NLS key
untranslated NLS key
Quick fix
quick fixable error
quick fixable warning
change cast
move to another package
remove import
rename in file
surround with try/catch
general change
composite change
text change
file change Stop error
Change filter
Java Search
search for declarations
search for references
Search - Occurrences in File
a general match
read access to local or field
write access to local or field
Type hierarchy view
type from non selected package
interface from non selected package