Debug Preferences
The following preferences can be set using the Run/Debug preference page.
The preferences here are generic to all debuggers, and govern stylistic and prompting options
Reuse editor when displaying source code
The debugger displays source code in an editor when stepping through an application. When this option is on, the debugger will reuse the editor that it opened to display source from different source files. This prevents the debugger from opening an excessive number of editors. When this option is off, the debugger will open a new editor for each source file that needs to be displayed.
Activate the workbench when when a breakpoint is hit This option brings attention to the debugger when a breakpoint is encountered, by activating the associated window. The visual result varies from platform to platform. For example, on Windows, the associated window's title bar will flash. On Activate the debug view when a breakpoint is hit This option brings attention to the debug view when a breakpoint is encountered. If the view is already open it will be activated. If the view is not already open it will be opened automatically. On Skip breakpoints during a 'Run to Line' operation This option controls whether breakpoints are ignored when performing a 'Run to Line' operation. When the option is on, the debugger does not suspend at breakpoints encountered when a 'Run to Line' operation is invoked. When the option is off, breakpoints behave normally. Off Prompt for conformation when deleting all breakpoints This option controls whether you will be prompted for confirmation when you try to delete all of your breakpoints On Prompt for confirmation when deleting breakpoint containers This option controls if you will be prompted for confirmation when you try to delete a breakpoint container, e.g. a breakpoint working set On Changed value colour This option allows you to change the colour of a changed value in the variables view, expressions view, memory view, anywhere running program variables are rendered Red Changed value background colour This option allows you to change the selection colour of a changed variable, e.g. in the variables view showing columns Yellow Memory unbuffered colour This option allows you to change the rendering colour of unbuffered memory blocks in the memory view Grey Memory buffered colour This option allows you to change the rendering colour of buffered memory blocks in the memory view Black
Java perspectives
Java views
Local debugging
Remote debugging
Launching a Java program
Running and debugging
Console Preferences
Installed JREs Preferences
Java Debug Preferences
Launching Preferences
Perspectives Preferences
String Substitution Preferences
View Management Preferences