JUnit Preferences

The Java > JUnit preference page lets you configure the stack trace filter patterns for JUnit. The patterns are used in the JUnit view to control which entries are visible in stack traces.



Enable assertions for new JUnit launch configurations

If enabled, then JUnit test will be launched with assertions enabled.

Add Filter

Allows to add a custom filter pattern. This action inserts an empty pattern which can be edited.

Add Class...

Allows to add classes to be filtered. This action opens the Open Type dialog to choose a type to be filtered in the stack traces.

Add Packages...

Allows to add packages to be filtered. This action opens a package selection dialog to choose the packages to be filtered in the stack traces.


Removes the currently selected stack trace filter pattern.

Enable All

Enables all stack trace filter patterns.

Disable All

Disables all stack trace filter patterns.

Using JUnit

Open type