Backing up server configuration from a WAS

The Server Configuration Backup wizard packages the server's cell configuration files into a configuration archive (.car) file. The configuration archive file contains files under the x:/profile/config/cells directory, where x:/profile is the directory of your profile for the WebSphere® Application Server. If you are familiar with wsadmin commands, this wizard performs the same functionality as the wsadmin method exportWasprofile in the AdminTask object.



To backup a server configuration from a WAS:

  1. In the Servers view, right-click the server you want to package its cell configuration files into a configuration archive file.

  2. Select

    Server configuration | Backup. The Server Configuration Backup wizard opens.

  3. In the

    Parent folder, specify the path of an existing project folder in the current workspace where you want to store the exported server configuration files. For example, if you specify the path as /myProject, the server configuration files is added in the Navigator view under the project called: myProject. You must specify a project folder that already exists in the workspace. If the server configuration archive file already exists in the file location specified in the Parent folder field, you are prompted if you want to replace the existing configuration archive file.

  4. In the

    File name field, specify the name of the server configuration file you are packaging. The file extension .car is automatically appended to the name of the server configuration you provided in this field.

  5. Click OK.