# This program may be used, executed, copied, modified and distributed # without royalty for the purpose of developing, using, marketing, or # distribution # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # redeployFileTransfer - used to re-install the FileTransfer application. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # fileTransferAuthenticationOn #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This procedure is used redeploy the FileTransfer application to run # FileTransferServlet with authentication. It will attempt to uninstall # the filetransfer.ear and then install the filetransferSecured.ear. For # 6.0 there is no API to see if the systemapp is already installed. # # Invoke this script using the following syntax: # wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl # -c "fileTransferAuthenticationOn cellName nodeName serverName" # For example: # wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl # -c "fileTransferAuthenticationOn node01Cell node01 server1" # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # fileTransferAuthenticationOff #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This procedure is used redeploy the FileTransfer application to run # FileTransferServlet without authentication. It will attempt to uninstall # the filetransferSecured.ear and then install the filetransfer.ear. For # 6.0 there is no API to see if it is already installed. # # Invoke this script using the following syntax: # wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl # -c "fileTransferAuthenticationOff cellName nodeName serverName" # For example: # wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl # -c "fileTransferAuthenticationOff node01Cell node01 server1" # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc errorExit {errorString} { puts "Operation failed!" puts " $errorString" exit 1 } proc uerrorExit {errorString} { puts "Uninstall operation failed!" puts " $errorString" # exit 1 } proc fileTransferAuthenticationOn {args} { global AdminApp env if {[llength $args] < 3} { puts "Syntax: wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl -c \"fileTransferAuthenticationOn cellname nodename servername\"" return } set cellName [lindex $args 0] set nodeName [lindex $args 1] set serverName [lindex $args 2] set app2install "$env(was.install.root)/systemApps/filetransferSecured.ear" set options1 [list -cell $cellName -node $nodeName -server $serverName] set options2 [list -appname filetransfer -usedefaultbindings -nocreateMBeansForResources] set installOptions [concat $options1 $options2] puts "Uninstall filetransfer $options1" if {[catch {$AdminApp uninstall filetransfer $options1} result]} { uerrorExit $result } puts "Install $app2install $installOptions" if {[catch {$AdminApp install $app2install $installOptions} result]} { errorExit $result } } proc fileTransferAuthenticationOff {args} { global AdminApp env if {[llength $args] < 3} { puts "Syntax: wsadmin -profile redeployFileTransfer.jacl -c \"fileTransferAuthenticationOff cellname nodename servername\"" return } set cellName [lindex $args 0] set nodeName [lindex $args 1] set serverName [lindex $args 2] set app2install "$env(was.install.root)/systemApps/filetransfer.ear" set options1 [list -cell $cellName -node $nodeName -server $serverName] set options2 [list -appname filetransfer -usedefaultbindings -nocreateMBeansForResources] set installOptions [concat $options1 $options2] puts "Uninstall filetransferSecured $options1" if {[catch {$AdminApp uninstall filetransferSecured $options1} result]} { errorExit $result } puts "Install $app2install $installOptions" if {[catch {$AdminApp install $app2install $installOptions} result]} { errorExit $result } }