Creating a profile for a WAS
A profile is the set of files that define the runtime environment of a WebSphere® Application Server.
A need for more than one profile on a machine is common. For example, you may want to create separate profiles of the application server for development and testing.
There are advantages of creating profiles instead of multiple installations of the WAS product. Not only is disk space saved, but updating the application server is simplified when you maintain a single set of core files. Also, creating new profiles is more efficient and less prone to errors than full installations of the WAS.
Creating a new profile on the same machine as an existing one, defines unique characteristics, such as profile name and node name. Each profile shares all runtime scripts, libraries, the Java™ runtime environment, and other core server files. However, each profile has its own administrative console and administrative scripting interface.
For more details about profiles, see the Profile concept topic in the Information Center for the WAS product.
You can use the workbench in this product to start the graphical user interface tools for creating profiles, select the version-level of the WAS profile you want to create: