Rules and resources folders

You do not need to create folders for storing rules and resources before using the Personalization resource wizard. When you first create a rule or resource, the wizard will create the appropriate folder for you in the WAR. For a Web project, the resources folder is <ProjectName>/Web Content/WEB-INF/pzn-resourceCollections, and the rules folder is <ProjectName>/Web Content/WEB-INF/pzn-rules. For a Java™ project, the resources and rules folders are <ProjectName>/pzn-resourceCollections and <ProjectName>/pzn-rules, respectively.

Resources that you create with the Personalization resource wizard go in the pzn-resourceCollections folder. Place any rules (.act, .clf, or .rul files) that you may have created with an earlier version of the Rational® Software Delivery Platform in the pzn-rules folder.
