Migrating secure Web services

Secure Web services are not migrated by the J2EE Migration Wizard when Web services are migrated from J2EE 1.3 to J2EE 1.4. The migration of secure Web services requires manual steps.

After the J2EE migration, the secure binding and extension files must be migrated manually to J2EE 1.4 as follows:

  1. Double click on the

    webservices.xml file to open the Web Services editor.

  2. Select the

    Binding Configurations tab to edit the binding file.

  3. Add all the necessary binding configurations under the new sections

    Request Consumer Binding Configuration Details and

    Response Generator Binding Configuration Details.

  4. Select the

    Extension tab to edit the extension file.

  5. Add all the necessary extension configurations under the new sections

    Request Consumer Service Configuration Details and

    Response Generator Service Configuration Details.

  6. Save and exit the editor.


Related reference

J2EE 1.3 to 1.4 specification level migration

Enterprise JavaBean projects (EJB 2.0 to EJB 2.1)