JPA Annotations
The javax.persistence package contains the classes and interfaces that define the contracts between a persistence provider and the managed classes and the clients of the Java™ Persistence API.
The following list contains the valid attributes for this tag:
- AssociationOverride
- AssociationOverrides
- AttributeOverride
- AttributeOverrides
- Basic
- Column
- ColumnResult
- DiscriminatorColumn
- DiscriminatorValue
- Embeddable
- Embedded
- EmbeddedId
- Entity
- EntityListeners
- EntityResult
- Enumerated
- ExcludeDefaultListeners
- ExcludeSuperclassListeners
- FieldResult
- GeneratedValue
- Id
- IdClass
- Inheritance
- JoinColumn
- JoinColumns
- JoinTable
- Lob
- ManyToMany
- ManyToOne
- MapKey
- MappedSuperclass
- NamedNativeQueries
- NamedNativeQuery
- NamedQueries
- NamedQuery
- OneToMany
- OneToOne
- OrderBy
- PersistenceContext
- PersistenceContexts
- PersistenceProperty
- PersistenceUnit
- PersistenceUnits
- PostLoad
- PostPersist
- PostRemove
- PostUpdate
- PrePersist
- PreRemove
- PreUpdate
- PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
- PrimaryKeyJoinColumns
- QueryHint
- SecondaryTable
- SecondaryTables
- SequenceGenerator
- SqlResultSetMapping
- SqlResultSetMappings
- Table
- TableGenerator
- Temporal
- Transient
- UniqueConstraint
- Version
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