Setting preferences for structured text editors

You can customize your working environment by specifying preferences for the structured text editor.

  1. In the main menu, click

    Window | Preferences.

  2. Select one of the choices that are shown in the following table:

    Item Menu path
    Annotation settings

    Workbench | Editors | Annotations

    Character encoding

    Web and XML, then one of the following choices:

    CSS Files,

    HTML Files,

    JSP Files,

    *XML Files ( *not implemented in WTP)

    Content assist: HTML

    Web and XML | HTML Files | HTML Source

    Content assist: JavaScriptâ„¢

    Web and XML | JavaScript Files | JavaScript Source

    Content assist: XML

    Web and XML | *XML Files (*not implemented in WTP) | XML Source

    Editor appearance

    Workbench | Editors | Structured Text Editor | Appearance

    Editor font

    Workbench | Colors and Fonts | Structured Text Editor

    Editor navigation

    Workbench | Editors | Structured Text Editor | Navigation

    File-type-specific settings

    Web and XML, then navigate to the file type and particular setting

    Hover help

    Workbench | Editors | Structured Text Editor | Hovers

    Key bindings

    Workbench | Keys | Keyboard Shortcuts then in the

    Category field specify


    Spell checking

    Spell Check

    Syntax checking

    Workbench | Editors | Structured Text Editor | Appearance then check or uncheck the

    Analyze annotations while typing box.

    Note: You cannot set

    Web and XML preferences unless the Core XML Support capability (

    Workbench | Capabilities) is enabled, and you cannot set preferences for DTD files unless the XML Development capability is enabled.


Related concepts

Structured text editors for markup languages

Source and batch validation

Structured text editors for markup languages


Related tasks

Setting annotation preferences for markup languages

Checking spelling

Editing text coded in markup languages - overview