Enabling content assist for JSP files

Having the proper files defined in the Java™ build class path is essential for content assist to work properly in JSP files. It is also essential for the links builder to be able to correctly resolve links to servlets or Java beans in JSP and HTML files.

To enable content assist for JSP files:

  1. To determine whether the build path is correct, select

    Properties from the project's pop-up menu.

  2. Select

    Java Build Path, and then the

    Libraries page. You should see the following files:

    • j2ee.jar

    • rt.jar

    • servlet.jar

    • webcontainer.jar

  3. If they are not present, add them as External JAR files. You may have your own versions of these files, depending on the level of JDK or Servlet API for which you are developing.

  4. If your Web applications reference other JARs, you can place them in the build path as follows:

    1. Use the

      Add JARs button on the Library page. You must ensure that the JAR file is available to the server by properly configuring the server.

    2. Add the JARs to the

      WEB-INF/lib directory. They will be automatically added to the build path and deployed to the server as part of the project WAR.


Related concepts

Content assist

Content assist

Structured text editors for markup languages


Related tasks

Getting content assistance in structured text editors

Adding and removing JSP templates

Editing text coded in markup languages - overview