Adding snippets drawers

This documentation explains how to customize the Snippets view by adding a new drawer.

To add a new drawer to the Snippets view:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the Snippets view and select

    Customize from the pop-up menu.

  2. Click

    New | Category and type the name of the new drawer in the

    Name field.

  3. Optionally, type a description in the

    Description field.

  4. Select the drawer's behavior by checking check boxes as appropriate. The check boxes are as follows:

    Option Description
    Hide Do not display the drawer.
    Open drawer at start-up At start-up, display the drawer's items.
    Pin drawer open at start-up Keep the drawer open.

  5. Click OK. The new drawer will be added to the list of drawers in the Snippets view.


Related concepts

Snippets view

Snippets view


Related tasks

Editing with snippets - overview

Adding items to snippets drawers

Editing snippet items

Deleting or hiding snippet items or drawers