Adding Dojo widgets to Web pages

You can populate your pages with Dojo widgets by dragging and dropping Dojo elements from the palette to the Web page.


  1. Create a Dojo enabled Web project.

  2. Create a Web page.

To add Dojo widgets to a Web page, complete the following steps:

  1. In Enterprise Explorer, double-click the Web page to open the file in Page Designer.

  2. Open the Palette if it is not already open (

    Window | Show View | Basic | Palette.

  3. Drag and drop components from the different Dojo drawers in the Palette, for example form or layout objects.

  4. When you have finished adding Dojo widgets to your Web page, press CTRL+S to save your changes.

  5. The Dojo widget is represented in the Design view by a Dojo icon.

    The Source view supports the autocompletion of Dojo tags. Attributes for the Dojo components can be configured in the Properties view (

    Window | Show View | Properties).

In the Source view, you can see that within the <head> tag, script tags have been added to include the Dojo bootstrap and a dojo.requires statement for the element as well as CSS styles for the widget.


Related concepts

The Dojo Toolkit