Configure the JAX-RPC Web services client bindings in the ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor
Deployment descriptors are required so that so that WebSphere® Application Server can process the incoming Web services requests. If you have created your Web service client using the wizard the deployment descriptor should be configured for you. However if you created your Web service client manually or you want to update the deployment information, you can use the Deployment Descriptor editor.
Double-click the ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor to open it in the Deployment Descriptor editor. To edit the client bindings:
- Select the WS Binding tab at the bottom of the editor window to open the Web Services Client Bindings editor.
- You can verify or change the serviceRefLink element settings on the Services References tab
- To verify or change the deployedWSDLFile element settings, expand the Services Reference Details section and ensure that the correct WSDL file is listed.