Key information collection

Use this page to view the configurations that are currently available for generating or consuming the key for XML digital signatures and XML encryption.

To view this WebSphere® Application Server administrative console page on the server level for the key information references, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Servers > Application Servers > server_name.

  2. Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.

  3. Under Default generator bindings or the Default consumer bindings, click Key information.

To view this WAS administrative console page on the application level for the key information references, complete the following steps. This option is available on the application level for v6.x applications.

  1. Click Applications > Enterprise applications > application_name.

  2. Under Related items, click EJB modules or Web modules > URI_name.

  3. Under Additional properties, you can access the signing information for the following bindings:

    • For the Request generator (sender) binding, click Web services: Client security bindings. Under Request generator (sender) binding, click Edit custom.

    • For the Request consumer (receiver) binding, click Web services: Server security bindings. Under Request consumer (receiver) binding, click Edit custom.

    • For the Response generator (sender) binding, click Web services: Server security bindings. Under Response generator (sender) binding, click Edit custom.

    • For the Response consumer (receiver) binding, click Web services: Client security bindings. Under Response consumer (receiver) binding, click Edit custom.

  4. Under Required properties, click Key information.


Related reference

Token generator collection

Token consumer collection

Key information configuration settings


Key information name

Specifies the name that is given for the key configuration.


Key information class name

Specifies the class name that is used for the key information type.


Key information type

Specifies the type of mechanism used to reference the security token. The type corresponds to the class name that is specified in the Key information class name field.