Encryption information configuration settings

Use this page to configure the encryption and decryption parameters.

The specifications that are listed on this page for the signature method, digest method, and canonicalization method are located in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) document entitled, XML Encryption Syntax and Processing: W3C Recommendation 10 Dec 2002.

To view this WebSphere® Application Server administrative console page, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Applications > Enterprise Applications > application_name and complete one of the following steps:

    • Under Related Items, click EJB modules or Web modules > URI_file_name > Web Services: Client Security Bindings. Under Request sender binding, click Edit. Under Additional properties, click Encryption Information.

    • Under Related Items, click EJB modules or Web modules > URI_file_name > Web Services: Server Security Bindings. Under Response sender binding, click Edit. Under Additional properties, click Encryption Information.

  2. Select None or Dedicated encryption information. WAS can have either one or no encryption configurations for the request sender and the response sender bindings. If you are not using encryption, select None. To configure encryption for either of these two bindings, select Dedicated encryption information and specify the configuration settings using the fields that are described in this article.


Related reference

Encryption information collection

Key locator collection