Certificate revocation list collection

Use this page to determine the location of the certificate revocation lists (CRL) known to WebSphere® Application Server. The Application Server checks the CRLs to determine the validity of the client certificate. A certificate that is found in a certificate revocation list might not be expired, but is no longer trusted by the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate. The CA might add the certificate to the certificate revocation list if it believes that the client authority is compromised.

To view the WAS administrative console panel for the collection certificate store on the server level, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Servers > Application servers > server_name.

  2. Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.

  3. Under Additional properties, click Collection certificate store.

  4. Click the name of a configured collection certificate store or create a new collection certificate store first.

  5. Under Additional properties, click Certificate revocation lists.

To view this administrative console page for the collection certificate store on the application level, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Applications > Enterprise applications > application_name.

  2. Under Related items, click EJB modules Web modules > URI_name.

  3. Under Additional properties, you can access collection certificate stores for the following bindings:

    • For the Request generator, click Web services: Client security bindings. Under Request generator (sender) binding, click Edit custom > Collection certificate store.

    • For the Request consumer, click Web services: Server security bindings. Under Request consumer (receiver) binding, click Edit custom > Collection certificate store.

    • For the Response generator, click Web services: Server security bindings. Under Response generator (sender) binding, click Edit custom > Collection certificate store.

    • For the Response consumer, click Web services: Client security bindings. Under Response consumer (receiver) binding, click Edit custom > Collection certificate store.

  4. Click the name of a configured collection certificate store or create a new collection certificate store first.

  5. Under Additional properties, click Certificate revocation lists.

  6. Under Additional properties, you can access collection certificate stores for the following bindings:

    • For the Response receiver binding, click Web services: Client security bindings. Under Response receiver binding, click Edit.

  7. Under Additional properties, click Collection certificate store > certificate_store_name.

  8. Under Additional properties, click X.509 certificates.

  9. Click New and specify the path to the certificate revocation list.


Related reference

Certificate revocation list configuration settings

Collection certificate store collection

Collection certificate store configuration settings


Certificate revocation list path

Specifies the location where you can find the list of certificates that are not valid.