Configuring the caller in consumer security constraints

The caller is used to identify the token. The run time for Web services security uses this token identity to create the security credential and principal for WebSphere® Application Server. The token identity must be in the configured user registry so that the Application Server can use the token identity in Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) authorization checks.

Complete the following steps to specify the caller part when you configure the consumer security constraints for the request consumer. The request consumer is configured for the server.

  1. Click Window > Open Perspective > J2EE.

  2. Locate the server-side extensions using the Project Explorer window. The Web Services Editor window is displayed. This Web service contains the extensions that you need to configure. Complete the following steps to locate the server-side extensions:

    1. Expand the Web Services > Services section and double-click the name of the Web service.

    2. Click the Extensions tab and expand the Request Consumer Service Configuration Details section.

  3. Expand the Caller Part section.

  4. Click Add to specify the caller part. The Caller Part Dialog window is displayed. Complete the following steps to configure the caller part:

    1. Specify the name of the caller in the Name field.

    2. Optional:

      Specify the name of an integrity or confidentiality part in the Required Integrity or Required Confidentiality part field if you want to select the token that used for either digital signature or encryption as the caller token. For more information on these configurations, see the following tasks:

      Important: Either complete this step or specify a token type in the Token type field in the next step.

    3. Optional:

      Specify a token type in the Token type field if you want to select a stand-alone security token as the caller token.

      If a stand-alone security token is used for authentication, then the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and local name attributes must define the type of security token that is used for authentication. You can select standard or custom security tokens by URI and local name.

      If you specify a token type in the Token type field, complete the following steps:

      1. Specify the namespace URI of the security token that is used for authentication in the URI field.

      2. Specify the local name of the security token that is used for authentication in the Local name field. The following table shows the URI and local name combinations that are supported:

        Table 1. URI and Local name combinations
        URI Local name
        X.509 certificate token
        X.509 certificates in a PKIPath
        A list of X509 certificates and CRLs in a PKCS#7 LTPA

        The Custom token requires that you specify both the URI and the Local name.

  5. Optional:

    Configure identity assertion. For more information, see Configuring identity assertion

  6. Optional:

    Click Add and specify a Trust method property in the Trust method property section, if necessary.

  7. Optional:

    Click Add and specify an additional property in the Property section, if necessary.

  8. Click OK to save the configuration changes.

    Note: These configurations on the consumer side and the generator side must match.


Related tasks

Signing message elements in consumer security constraints with keywords

Signing message elements in consumer security constraints with an XPath expression

Encrypting message elements in consumer security constraints with keywords

Encrypting message elements in consumer security constraints with an XPath expression

Configuring identity assertion