Configuring token consumers on the server or cell level

The token consumer on the server or cell level is used to specify the information that is needed to process the security token if it is not defined at the application level. WebSphere® Application Server provides default values for bindings. You must modify the defaults for a production environment.

Complete the following steps to configure the token consumers on the server level.

  1. Access the default bindings for the server level.

    1. Click Servers > Application servers > server_name.

    2. Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.

  2. Under Default consumer bindings, click Token consumers.

  3. Click New to create a token consumer configuration, click Delete to delete an existing configuration, or click the name of an existing token consumer configuration to edit its settings. If you are creating a new configuration, enter a unique name for the token consumer configuration in the Token consumer name field. For example, you might specify sig_cgen. This field specifies the name of the token consumer element.

  4. Specify a class name in the Token consumer class name field. The token consumer class must implement the interface. The token consumer class name must be similar to the token generator class name.

    For example, if your application requires an X.509 certificate token consumer, you can specify the class name on the Token generator panel and the class name in this field. WAS provides the following default token consumer class implementations:

    This implementation integrates a user name token.

    This implementation integrates an X.509 certificate token.

    This implementation integrates a Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token.

    This implementation integrates an IDAssertionUsername token.

    A corresponding token generator class does not exist for this implementation.

  5. Select a certificate path option. The certificate path specifies the certificate revocation list (CRL) that is used for generating a security token wrapped in a PKCS#7 with a CRL. WAS provides the following certificate path options:


    If you select this option, the certificate path is not specified.

    Trust any

    If you select this option, any certificate is trusted. When the received token is consumed, the certificate path validation is not processed.

    Dedicated signing information

    If you select this option, you can specify a trust anchor and a certificate store. When you select the trust anchor or the certificate store of a trusted certificate, configure the collection certificate store before setting the certificate path. To define a collection certificate store on the server or cell level, see Configuring the collection certificate store on the server or cell-level bindings.

    1. Select a trust anchor in the Trust anchor field. WAS provides two sample trust anchors. However, it is recommended that you configure your own trust anchors for a production environment. For information on configuring a trust anchor, see Configuring trust anchors on the server or cell level.

    2. Select a collection certificate store in the Certificate store field. WAS provides a sample collection certificate store. If you select None, the collection certificate store is not specified. For information on specifying a list of certificate stores that contain untrusted, intermediary certificate files awaiting validation, see Configuring trusted ID evaluators on the server or cell level.

  6. Select a trusted ID evaluator from the Trusted ID evaluation reference field. This field specifies a reference to the Trusted ID evaluator class name that is defined in Trusted ID evaluators panel. The trusted ID evaluator is used for evaluating whether the received ID is trusted. If you select None, the trusted ID evaluator is not referenced in this token consumer configuration. To configure a trusted ID evaluator, see Configuring trusted ID evaluators on the server or cell level.

  7. Select the Verify nonce option if a nonce is included in a user name token on the generator side. Nonce is a unique cryptographic number that is embedded in a message to help stop repeat, unauthorized attacks of user name tokens. The Verify nonce option is available if you specify a user name token for the token consumer and nonce is added to the user name token on the generator side.

  8. Select the Verify timestamp option if a time stamp is included in the user name token on the generator side. The Verify Timestamp option is available if you specify a user name token for the token consumer and a time stamp is added to the user name token on the generator side.

  9. Specify the local name of the value type for the integrated token. This entry specifies the local name of the value type for a security token that is referenced by the key identifier. This attribute is valid when Key identifier is selected as the key information type. To specify the key information type, see Configuring the key information for the consumer binding on the server or cell level. WAS has predefined value type local names for the user name token and the X.509 certificate security token. Enter one of the following local names for the user name token and the X.509 certificate security token. When you specify the following local names, you do not need to specify the URI of the value type:

    Username token

    X.509 certificate token

    X.509 certificates in a PKIPath

    A list of X.509 certificates and CRLs in a PKCS#7

    Note: To specify Lightweith Third Party Authentication (LTPA), specify both the value type local name and the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Specify LTPA for the local name and for the URI. For example, when an X.509 certificate token is specified, you can use for the local name. When you specify the local name of another token, specify a value type Qname. For example: uri=, localName=CustomToken

  10. Specify the value type uniform resource identifier (URI) in the URI field. This entry specifies the namespace URI of the value type for a security token that is referenced by the key identifier. This attribute is valid when Key identifier is selected as the key information type on the Key information panel for the default generator. When you specify the token consumer for the user name token or an X.509 certificate security token, you do not need to specify this option. If you specify another token, you need to specify the URI of the QName for the value type.

  11. Click OK and then Save to save the configuration. After saving the token generator configuration, you can specify a Java™ Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) configuration for your token consumer.

  12. Click the name of your token generator configuration.

  13. Under Additional properties, click JAAS configuration.

  14. Select a JAAS configuration from the JAAS configuration name field. The field specifies the name of the JAAS system for application login configuration. You can specify additional JAAS system and application configurations by clicking Security > Global security. Under Authentication, click JAAS configuration and either Application logins > New or System logins > New.

    Do not remove the predefined system or application login configurations. However, within these configurations, you can add module class names and specify the order in which WAS loads each module. WAS provides the following predefined JAAS configurations:


    This selection specifies the login configuration that is used by the client container applications. The configuration uses the CallbackHandler application programming interface (API) that is defined in the deployment descriptor for the client container. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for application logins.


    This selection specifies whether all of the applications can use the WSLogin configuration to perform authentication for the security run time. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for application logins.


    This selection specifies the login configuration that is used by Java 2 Connectors (J2C) to map users to principals that are defined in the J2C authentication data entries. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for application logins.


    This selection enables a Version 5.x application to use identity assertion to map a user name to a WAS credential principal. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection enables a Version 5.x application to map a distinguished name (DN) in a signed certificate to a WAS credential principal. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection processes login requests that are used by the Web container such as servlets and JSP files. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection handles login requests for Web applications, which include servlets and JSP files. This login configuration is used by WAS Version 5.1.1. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection handles logins for inbound Remote Method Invocation (RMI) requests. This login configuration is used by WAS Version 5.1.1. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection handles the logins for inbound requests that are made by internal authentications and most of the other protocols except Web applications and RMI requests. This login configuration is used by WAS Version 5.1.1. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection processes RMI requests that are sent outbound to another server when either the or the properties are true. These properties are set in the CSIv2 authentication panel. To access the panel, click Security > Global security. Under Authentication, click Authentication protocol > CSIv2 outbound authentication. To set the property, select the Custom outbound mapping option. To set the property, select the Security attribute propagation option. To modify this JAAS login configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection verifies an X.509 binary security token (BST) by checking the validity of the certificate and the certificate path. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection verifies an X.509 certificate with a certificate revocation list in a PKCS7 object. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This section verifies an X.509 certificate with a public key infrastructure (PKI) path. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection verifies the basic authentication (user name and password) data. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    This selection enables Version 6 applications to use identity assertion to map a user name to a WAS credential principal. To modify this configuration, see the JAAS configuration panel for system logins.


    With this selection, you do not specify a JAAS login configuration.

  15. Click OK and then Save to save the configuration.

You have configured the token consumer at the server or cell level.

You must specify a similar token generator configuration for the server or cell level.


Related tasks

Configuring trusted ID evaluators on the server or cell level

Configuring the collection certificate store on the server or cell-level bindings

Configuring trust anchors on the server or cell level