Configuring the signing information for the generator binding on the application level

In the server-side extensions file (ibm-webservices-ext.xmi) and the client-side deployment descriptor extensions file (ibm-webservicesclient-ext.xmi), specify which parts of the message are signed. Also, you need to configure the key information that is referenced by the key information references on the signing information panel within the WebSphere® Application Server administrative console.

This task explains the required steps to configure the signing information for the client-side request generator and the server-side response generator bindings at the application level. WAS uses the signing information for the default generator to sign parts of the message including the body, time stamp, and user name token. The Application Server provides default values for bindings. However, an administrator must modify the defaults for a production environment. Complete the following steps to configure the signing information for the generator sections of the bindings files on the application level:

  1. Locate the signing information configuration panel in the WAS administrative console.

    1. Click Applications > Enterprise applications > application_name.

    2. Under Related Items, click EJB Modules or Web Modules > URI_name.

    3. Under Additional properties, you can access the signing information for the request generator and the response generator bindings.

      • For the request generator (sender) binding, click Web services: Client security bindings. Under Request generator (sender) binding, click Edit custom.

      • For the response generator (sender) binding, click Web services: Server security bindings. Under Response generator (sender) binding, click Edit custom.

    4. Under Required properties, click Signing information.

    5. Click New to create a signing information configuration, select the box next to the configuration and click Delete to delete an existing configuration, or click the name of an existing signing information configuration to edit its settings. If you are creating a new configuration, enter a name in the Signing information name field. For example, you might specify gen_signinfo.

  2. Select a signature method algorithm from the Signature method field. The algorithm that is specified for the generator, which is either the request generator or the response generator configuration, must match the algorithm that is specified for the consumer, which is either the request consumer or response consumer configuration. WAS supports the following pre-configured algorithms:




  3. Select a canonicalization method from the Canonicalization method field. The canonicalization algorithm that you specify for the generator must match the algorithm for the consumer. WAS supports the following pre-configured algorithms:





  4. Select a key information signature type from the Key information signature type field. WAS supports the following signature types:


    Specifies that the KeyInfo element is not signed.


    Specifies that the entire KeyInfo element is signed.


    Specifies that the child elements of the KeyInfo element are signed.

    The key information signature type for the generator must match the signature type for the consumer. You might encounter the following situations:

    • If you do not specify one of the previous signature types, WAS uses keyinfo, by default.

    • If you select Keyinfo or Keyinfochildelements and you select as the transform algorithm in a subsequent step, WAS also signs the referenced token.

  5. Select a signing key information reference from the Signing key information field. This selection is a reference to the signing key that the Application Server uses to generate digital signatures.

  6. Click OK and Save to save the configuration.

  7. Click the name of the new signing information configuration. This configuration is the one that you specified in a previous step.

  8. Specify the part reference, digest algorithm, and transform algorithm. The part reference specifies which parts of the message to digitally sign.

    1. Under Additional properties, click Part references > New to create a new part reference, click Part references > Delete to delete an existing part reference, or click a part name to edit an existing part reference.

    2. Specify a unique part name for this part reference. For example, you might specify reqint.

    3. Select a part reference from the Part reference field.

      The part reference refers to the message part that is digitally signed. The part attribute refers to the name of the <Integrity> element in the deployment descriptor when the <PartReference> element is specified for the signature. You can specify multiple <PartReference> elements within the <SigningInfo> element. The <PartReference> element has two child elements when it is specified for the signature: <DigestTransform> and <Transform>.

    4. Select a digest method algorithm from the menu. The digest method algorithm specified within the <DigestMethod> element is used in the <SigningInfo> element. WAS supports the algorithm.

    5. Click OK to save the configuration.

    6. Click the name of the new part reference configuration. This configuration is the one that you specified in a previous step.

    7. Under Additional Properties, click Transforms > New to create a new transform, click Transforms > Delete to delete a transform, or click a transform name to edit an existing transform. If you create a new transform configuration, specify a unique name. For example, you might specify reqint_body_transform1.

    8. Select a transform algorithm from the menu. The transform algorithm is that is specified within the <Transform> element and specifies the transform algorithm for the signature. WAS supports the following algorithms:







      The transform algorithm that you select for the generator must match the transform algorithm that you select for the consumer.

      Important: If both of the following conditions are true, WAS signs the referenced token:

      • You previously selected the Keyinfo or the Keyinfochildelements option from the Key information signature type field on the signing information panel.

      • You select as the transform algorithm.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Save at the top of the panel to save your configuration.

After completing these steps, the signing information is configured for the generator on the application level.

You must specify a similar signing information configuration for the consumer.


Related tasks

Configuring the signing information for the consumer binding on the application level