Default Web services security configuration
WebSphere® Application Server Version 6 provides a variety of sample configurations that you can configure through the WAS administrative console. The configurations that you specify are reflected on the cell or server level. Do not use these configurations in a production environment as they are for sample and testing purposes only. To make modifications to these sample configurations, it is recommended that you use the administrative console provided by WAS.
For a Web services security-enabled application, correctly configure a deployment descriptor and a binding. In WAS Version 6, one set of default bindings is shared by the applications to make application deployment easier. The default binding information for server level can be overridden by the binding information on the application level. The Application Server searches for binding information for an application on the application level before searching the server level.
This article contains information on the sample default bindings, keystores, key locators, collection certificate store, trust anchors, and trusted ID evaluators.
Default generator binding
WAS Version 6 provides a sample set of default generator binding. The default generator binding contain both signing information and encryption information.
The sample signing information configuration is called gen_signinfo and contains the following configurations:
- Uses the following algorithms for the gen_signinfo configuration:
- Signature method:
- Canonicalization method:
- References the gen_signkeyinfo signing key information. The following information pertains to the gen_signkeyinfo configuration:
- Contains a part reference configuration that is called gen_signpart. The part reference is not used in default binding. The signing information applies to all of the Integrity or Required Integrity elements within the deployment descriptors and the information is used for naming purposes only. The following information pertains to the gen_signpart configuration:
- Uses the transform configuration called transform1. The following transforms are configured for the default signing information:
- Uses the algorithm
- Uses the digest method
- Uses the security token reference, which is the configured default key information.
- Uses the SampleGeneratorSignatureKeyStoreKeyLocator key locator. For more information on this key locator, see Sample key locators.
- Uses the gen_signtgen token generator, which contains the following configuration:
- Contains the X.509 token generator, which generates the X.509 token of the signer.
- Contains the gen_signtgen_vtype value type URI.
- Contains the value type local name value.
- Uses X.509 Callback Handler. The callback handler calls the ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-sender.ks keystore.
- The keystore password is client.
- The alias name of the trusted certificate is soapca.
- The alias name of the personal certificate is soaprequester.
- The key password client issued by intermediary certificate authority Int CA2, which is, in turn, issued by soapca.
The sample encryption information configuration is called gen_encinfo and contains the following configurations:
- Uses the following algorithms for the gen_encinfo configuration:
- Data encryption method:
- Key encryption method:
- References the gen_enckeyinfo encryption key information. The following information pertains to the gen_enckeyinfo configuration:
- Uses the key identifier as the default key information.
- Contains a reference to the SampleGeneratorEncryptionKeyStoreKeyLocator key locator. For more information on this key locator, see Sample key locators.
- Uses the gen_signtgen token generator, which has the following configuration:
- Contains the X.509 token generator, which generates the X.509 token of the signer.
- Contains the gen_enctgen_vtype value type URI.
- Contains the value type local name value.
- Uses X.509 Callback Handler. The callback handler calls the ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-sender.jceks keystore.
- The keystore password is storepass.
- The secret key CN=Group1 has an alias name of Group1 and a key password of keypass.
- The public key CN=Bob, O=IBM, C=US has an alias name of bob and a key password of keypass.
- The private key CN=Alice, O=IBM, C=US has an alias name of alice and a key password of keypass.
Default consumer binding
WAS Version 6 provides a sample set of default consumer binding. The default consumer binding contain both signing information and encryption information.
The sample signing information configuration is called con_signinfo and contains the following configurations:
- Uses the following algorithms for the con_signinfo configuration:
- Signature method:
- Canonicalization method:
- Uses the con_signkeyinfo signing key information reference. The following information pertains to the con_signkeyinfo configuration:
- Contains a part reference configuration that is called con_signpart. The part reference is not used in default binding. The signing information applies to all of the Integrity or RequiredIntegrity elements within the deployment descriptors and the information is used for naming purposes only. The following information pertains to the con_signpart configuration:
- Uses the transform configuration called reqint_body_transform1. The following transforms are configured for the default signing information:
- Uses the algorithm.
- Uses the digest method.
- Uses the security token reference, which is the configured default key information.
- Uses the SampleX509TokenKeyLocator key locator. For more information on this key locator, see Sample key locators.
- References the con_signtcon token consumer configuration. The following information pertains to the con_signtcon configuration:
- Uses the X.509 Token Consumer, which is configured as the consumer for the default signing information.
- Contains the signtconsumer_vtype value type URI.
- Contains the value type local name value.
- Contains a JAAS configuration called system.wssecurity.X509BST that references the following information:
- Trust anchor: SampleClientTrustAnchor
- Collection certificate store: SampleCollectionCertStore
The encryption information configuration is called con_encinfo and contains the following configurations:
- Uses the following algorithms for the con_encinfo configuration:
- Data encryption method:
- Key encryption method:
- References the con_enckeyinfo encryption key information. This key actually decrypts the message. The following information pertains to the con_enckeyinfo configuration:
- Uses the key identifier, which is configured as the key information for the default encryption information.
- Contains a reference to the SampleConsumerEncryptionKeyStoreKeyLocator key locator. For more information on this key locator, see Sample key locators.
- References the con_enctcon token consumer configuration. The following information pertains to the con_enctcon configuration:
- Uses the X.509 token consumer, which is configured for the default encryption information.
- Contains the enctconsumer_vtype value type URI.
- Contains the value type local name value.
- Contains a JAAS configuration called system.wssecurity.X509BST.
Sample keystore configurations
WAS provides the following keystores. You can work with these keystores outside of the Application Server by using the iKeyman utility or the key tool.
The iKeyman utility is located in the following directories:
- Windows®: install_dir\bin\ikeyman
- Unix: install_dir/bin/
The key tool is located in the following directories:
- Windows: install_dir\java\jre\bin\keytool
- Unix: install_dir/java/jre/bin/
The following sample keystores are for testing purposes only; do not use these keystores in a production environment:
- ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-sender.ks
- The keystore format is JKS.
- The keystore password is client.
- The trusted certificate has a soapca alias name.
- The personal certificate has a soaprequester alias name and a client key password that is issued by the Int CA2 intermediary certificate authority, which is, in turn, issued by soapca.
- ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-receiver.ks
- The keystore format is JKS.
- The keystore password is server.
- The trusted certificate has a soapca alias name.
- The personal certificate has a soapprovider alias name and a server key password that is issued by the Int CA2 intermediary certificate authority, which is, in turn, issued by soapca.
- ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-sender.jceks
- The keystore format is JCEKS.
- The keystore password is storepass.
- The CN=Group1 DES secret key has a Group1 alias name and a keypass key password.
- The CN=Bob, O=IBM, C=US public key has a bob alias name and a keypass key password.
- The CN=Alice, O=IBM, C=US private key has a alice alias name and a keypass key password.
- ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-receiver.jceks
- The keystore format is JCEKS.
- The keystore password is storepass.
- The CN=Group1 DES secret key has a Group1 alias name and a keypass key password.
- The CN=Bob, O=IBM, C=US private key has a bob alias name and a keypass key password.
- The CN=Alice, O=IBM, C=US public key has a alice alias name and a keypass key password.
- ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/intca2.cer
- The intermediary certificate is signed by soapca and it signs both the soaprequester and the soapprovider.
Sample key locators
Key locators
Key locators are used to locate the key for digital signature, encryption, and decryption. For information on how to modify these sample key locator configurations, see the following articles:
- Configuring the key locator for the generator binding on the application level
- Configuring the key locator for the consumer binding on the application level
- Configuring the key locator on the server or cell level
- SampleGeneratorSignatureKeyStoreKeyLocator
- This key locator is used by generator to sign the SOAP message. The signing key name is SOAPRequester, which is referenced in the signing information as the signing key name. It is configured to use the ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-sender.ks keystore and the keystore key locator.
- SampleConsumerSignatureKeyStoreKeyLocator
- This key locator is used by the consumer to verify the digital signature in the SOAP message. The signing key is SOAPProvider, which is referenced in the signing information as the signing key name. It is configured to use the ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/dsig-receiver.ks keystore and the keystore key locator.
- SampleGeneratorEncryptionKeyStoreKeyLocator
- This key locator is used by the generator to encrypt the SOAP message. It is configured to use the ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-sender.jceks keystore and the keystore key locator.
- SampleConsumerEncryptionKeyStoreKeyLocator
- This key locator is used by the consumer to decrypt an encrypted SOAP message. It is configured to use the ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-receiver.jceks keystore and the keystore key locator.
- SampleX509TokenKeyLocator
- This key locator is used by the consumer to verify a digital certificate in an X.509 certificate. It is configured to use the ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/enc-receiver.jceks keystore and the keystore key locator.
Sample collection certificate store
Collection certificate stores are used to validate the certificate path. For information on how to modify this sample collection certificate store, see the following articles:
- Configuring the collection certificate store for the generator binding on the application level
- Configuring the collection certificate store for the consumer binding on the application level
- Configuring the collection certificate store on the server or cell-level bindings
- SampleCollectionCertStore
- This collection certificate store is used by the response consumer and the request generator to validate the signer certificate path.
Sample trust anchors
Trust anchors are used to validate the trust of the signer certificate. For information on how to modify the sample trust anchor configurations, see the following articles:
- Configuring trust anchors for the generator binding on the application level
- Configuring trust anchors for the consumer binding on the application level
- Configuring trust anchors on the server or cell level
Sample trusted ID evaluators
Trusted ID evaluators are used to establish trust before asserting the identity in identity assertion. For information on how to modify the sample trusted ID evaluator configuration, see Configuring trusted ID evaluators on the server or cell level.
- SampleTrustedIDEvaluator
- This trusted ID evaluator uses the implementation. The default implementation of contains a list of trusted identities. This list is defined as properties with trustedId_* as the key and the value as the trusted identity.
Complete the following steps to define this information for the server level in the WAS administrative console:
- Click Servers > Application servers > server_name.
- Under Security, click Web services: Default bindings for Web services security.
- Under Additional properties, click Trusted ID evaluators > SampleTrustedIDEvaluator.
Related tasks
Configuring the key locator for the generator binding on the application level
Configuring the key locator for the consumer binding on the application level
Configuring the key locator on the server or cell level
Configuring the collection certificate store for the generator binding on the application level
Configuring the collection certificate store for the consumer binding on the application level
Configuring the collection certificate store on the server or cell-level bindings
Configuring trust anchors for the generator binding on the application level
Configuring trust anchors for the consumer binding on the application level
Configuring trust anchors on the server or cell level
Configuring trusted ID evaluators on the server or cell level