Binary security token
The ValueType attribute identifies the type of the security token, for example, a Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token. The EncodingType type indicates how the security token is encoded, for example, Base64Binary. The BinarySecurityToken element defines a security token that is binary encoded. The encoding is specified using the EncodingType attribute. The value type and space are specified using the ValueType attribute. The Web services security implementation for WebSphere® Application Server, Version 6.x supports both LTPA and X.509 certificate binary security tokens.
A binary security token has the following attributes that are used for interpretation:
- Value type
- Encoding type
The following example depicts an LTPA binary security token in a Web services security message header:
<wsse:BinarySecurityToken xmlns:ns7902342339871340177= "" EncodingType="wsse:Base64Binary" ValueType="ns7902342339871340177:LTPA"> MIZ6LGPt2CzXBQfio9wZTo1VotWov0NW3Za6lU5K7Li78DSnIK6iHj3hxXgrUn6p4wZI 8Xg26havepvmSJ8XxiACMihTJuh1t3ufsrjbFQJOqh5VcRvI+AKEaNmnEgEV65jUYAC9 C/iwBBWk5U/6DIk7LfXcTT0ZPAd+3D3nCS0f+6tnqMou8EG9mtMeTKccz/pJVTZjaRSo msu0sewsOKfl/WPsjW0bR/2g3NaVvBy18VlTFBpUbGFVGgzHRjBKAGo+ctkl80nlVLIk TUjt/XdYvEpOr6QoddGi4okjDGPyyoDxcvKZnReXww5UsoqlpfXwN4KG9as= </wsse:BinarySecurityToken> </wsse:Security> </soapenv:Header>As shown in the example, the token is Base64Binary encoded.