Configuring Web applications using the Web deployment descriptor editor

When you create a Web project, the New Web Project wizard places a web.xml file in the project WEB-INF directory. This file is used to specify deployment information for modules created in the Web development environment To open the web.xml file, double-click it (or double-click the Deployment Descriptor icon in the Project Explorer view). The Web deployment descriptor editor opens in the editing pane.

It is recommended that you use the tabbed pages (views) to construct the deployment descriptor for your Web application. Even though the Web deployment descriptor editor does provides a source page of the web.xml file (from the

Source tab), using the tabbed pages is easier and introduces fewer errors. As you make changes on these tabbed pages, the web.xml file is updated automatically. For instance, when you use the New Servlet wizard to create a servlet in a Web project, the appropriate servlet entry is automatically inserted into the web.xml file.

In addition to the configuration information in the web.xml file, you can also use this editor to edit other deployment descriptors in the Web project, including information on bindings and IBM® extensions (ibm-web-bnd.xmi and ibm-web-ext.xmi files).

To edit the deployment descriptor, click the tabbed pages to locate attributes that you wish to add, edit or remove. In addition, the sections in the Overview page contain links to existing elements of the deployment descriptor. Click the links to open the appropriate editor page to make updates or additions.


Related concepts

The Web Deployment Descriptor editor


Related tasks

Working in the Overview page

Working in the Servlets page

Working in the Security page

Working in the References Page

Working in the Extensions Page

Working in the Filters Page

Working in the Pages page

Working in the Variables Page

Working in the WS Binding Page

Working in the WS Extensions Page

Working in the WS Handler page