Tools for Struts development



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The Struts feature provides tools that help you use Struts to develop Web applications more effectively.

The Struts framework helps you create Web applications that are more maintainable. With the Struts tools in this product, you can create Struts-based Web applications more efficiently.

Note: To use the Struts tools, select them when you install this product.

The following sections discuss the tools that you can use for Struts application development:

  • Benefits of Struts tools
  • Struts editors
  • Editors enhanced for Struts development
  • Struts drawers in the Palette
  • Web diagram editor


    Benefits of Struts tools

    The Struts feature provides the following benefits:


    Struts editors

    The Struts tools in the Struts feature provide the following editors:

    Table 1. Editors for Struts development
    Editor Description
    Struts configuration file editor Supports specialized editing of Struts configuration files.
    Web diagram editor Shows the overall structure of the Struts application, allows navigation to the editors for the underlying resources, and lets you edit some aspects of those resources directly.


    Editors enhanced for Struts development

    In addition, the following editors have been enhanced:

    Table 2. Editors enhanced for Struts development
    Editor Description
    Page Designer Visually represents Struts tags, which you can drag and drop in the editor.
    XML editor Uses the configuration file DTD when you edit a Struts configuration file.


    Struts drawers in the Palette

    Struts tags are available in the following drawers in the Palette:

    Table 3. Struts drawers
    Header Header
    Struts HTML tags These tags are used to create Struts input forms, as well as other tags generally useful in the creation of HTML-based user interfaces.
    Struts bean tags These JSP custom tags are useful in defining new beans (in any desired scope) from a variety of possible sources, as well as a tag to render a particular bean (or bean property) to the output response.
    Struts logic tags These tags are useful in managing conditional generation of output text, looping over object collections for repetitive generation of output text, and application flow management.
    Struts nested tags These tags and supporting classes extend the base Struts tags to let them nest inside each other. When these tags nest, the fundamental logic of the original tags does not change, except that all references to beans and bean properties are managed in a nested context.
    Struts template tags These tags provide a full-featured, robust framework for assembling presentation pages from component parts.

    Remember: As of Struts 1.1 the template tag library is deprecated. Use the tiles tag library instead.

    Struts tiles tags These tags provide a full-featured, robust framework for assembling presentation pages from component parts.


    Web diagram editor

    A Struts module is a Struts configuration file and a set of corresponding actions, form beans, and Web pages. A module is defined in the Web deployment descriptor to help separate and define the parts of a Struts application.

    When you create a Web diagram, you can associate it with a Struts module. After the association is made, it is permanent.

    In a Web diagram, Struts resources and links are represented by nodes and connections. To edit a resource or a link:


    Related tasks

    Developing Struts applications