Inserting a drop-down list

A navigation drop- down list is a menu of links to other Web pages in a Web site. You can insert a drop-down menu into a Web page by dragging the drop-down object from the Palette view.

  1. Create a Web project.

  2. Create a Web site structure.

  3. Create or import Web resources.

  4. Create a Web page template (optional).

    Note: If you use a Web page template to govern the layout and visual design of all of the pages in a Web site, you can insert a navigation drop-down list onto the page template, rather than adding the navigation to every page individually. The links in the navigation drop-down list are then updated dynamically for each individual page in the site.

To insert a drop-down list into a Web page, do the following:

  1. Double-click a page icon in Web Site Navigation to open the Design page in Page Designer.

  2. Select the

    Web Site Navigation drawer in the Palette view and drag the

    Drop-Down List object onto the page; an insert window opens.

  3. Select whether you want to use a

    Sample drop-down list or a

    User-defined drop-down list. If you want to use a sample drop-down list select one of the

    Thumbnail images and the

    File name field is populated. If you have a user-defined drop-down list, you can click Browse to locate the file in the in the

    Current project or

    Import the file from the file system. Select your user-defined drop-down list and the

    File name field is populated. Click Next.

  4. Select the type of links that you want to appear in the drop-down list. You can select links based on page relationships. For example you can select links based on parent-child relationships or you can select links based on sequence (previous and next pages). If you select previous or next links, you can supply a label to appear for those links, such as Back and Forward. You can select from the following types of links:

    • Top page

    • Children of top page

    • Ancestor page

    • Parent page

    • Sibling pages

    • Current page

    • First child page

    • Children pages

    • Previous page

    • Next page

    • Level

    • Group

  5. If the Web page or page template to which you are adding the navigation is a JSP or Faces JSP page, click Next. On the Optional Settings for Specification File page of the wizard, select the

    HTML Navigation or

    JSP Navigationnavigation type that you want to use.

  6. Click Finish. A navigation icon () is inserted on the page or template to indicate that a navigation component exists.

  7. Press CTRL+S to save your changes. The drop-down list is inserted on the page.


Related concepts

Dynamic navigation elements


Related tasks

Inserting a navigation bar

Inserting a navigation trail

Inserting a site map

Inserting a navigation menu