Adding a group to a Web site
Group Web pages in a Web site to create a logical organization or to create reoccurring sets of links in the site pages (for example Header or Footer links).
To add a new group to a Web site:
- To open Web Site Navigation, expand your Web project in the Project Explorer view and double-click
Web Site Navigation.
- In the Navigation page, decide where the group you are adding fits in the Web site's organization.
- Right-click where you want to attach the new group, either on an existing page icon or anywhere in the Navigation page and select
Add | New Group.. Alternatively, you can drag the New Group component from the Site drawer in the Palette to the Web Site Navigation.
- If you want to attach the new group as a sibling of the existing page icon that is presented prior to the existing page in the navigation hierarchy, select Before. Your navigation structure will look similar to the following illustration. The group is added before the Services page icon.
- If you want to attach the new group as a sibling of the existing page icon that is presented after the existing page in the navigation hierarchy, select After. Your navigation structure will look similar to the following illustration. The group is added after the Services page icon.
- If you want to attach the new group as a child of the existing page icon, select As Child. Your navigation will look similar to the following illustration. The group is added as a child of the Services page icon.
Once you have added the new group to the navigation structure, you can Add Web pages to a group
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